Mexico. A temple discovered after the earthquake of Mexico in September


The earthquake that hit Mexico City and its surroundings on September 19, discovered the remains of a temple dating from the Mexicas civilization, inside a pyramid. But the earthquake, which left 369 dead, damaged the structure of the building.

A temple dedicated to Tláloc, god of the rain at the time of the Mexicas civilization, was updated after the earthquake that devastated the center of Mexico City (Mexico) on 19 September. 369 people were killed, mostly in the capital.

The remains of the temple, presented to the press on Thursday, are located inside the pyramid of Teopanzolco, in the central state of Morelos. Because of the earthquake, "the pyramid has undergone a considerable change in the core of its structure" explained Bárbara Koniecza, archaeologist at the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH).


A temple six meters long

The earthquake mainly affected the upper part of the pyramid, where two temples were discovered, one dedicated to Huitzilopochtli, supreme deity of the Mexicas, the other to Tláloc, god of the rain. "The soil of the two shrines collapsed and then tilted, which also compromised its stability" Bárbara Koniecza emphasized

When INAH carried out its research with a georadar to recover the structure Pyramid, his team discovered the remains of a hidden structure, also dedicated to Tláloc. The Teopanzolco pyramid, which is 16 meters high, dates back to around 1550. The temple itself is said to have measured about six meters long and four meters wide.

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