"Michel Drucker has the right to say what he thinks"


The presenter of Secrets of History defended the 75-year-old who severely tapped Laurent Delahousse a few weeks ago

Stéphane Bern clearly chose his camp. At the beginning of July, Michel Drucker violently charged Laurent Delahousse. "Laurent Delahousse is not a good guy. He asked for my place for almost ten years. Each season, he threatened to leave if he did not have the 19 hours while I was a locomotive for his newspaper. Initially, I did not believe it. Until the day he said it openly. It pained me. I found it surreal. He was incredibly inelegant. It's even the golden ball of discipline. And internally, I'm not the only one to think so. At the time, I wrote to him. He tried to make me believe that he was courtesy incarnate. I have no grudge, but I have memory, "had thrown the 75-year-old animator to our confreres of Parisian visibly bitter to have seen Vivement dimanche prochain next suppressed in favor of 19h on Sunday presented by the 48-year-old journalist.

»READ ALSO – France Télévisions reframes Michel Drucker and defends Laurent Delahousse

In support, Stéphane Bern comes from take the defense of Michel Drucker. "He has the right to say what he thinks, and the right to think what he wants! I think we live in a sanitized world. I have a lot of respect for Michel, who is a great professional. And I think that, if he says all that, it's because, really, he's been upset and has a lot on his heart, "said the Secrets of History animator at Tele-Loisirs . On the other hand, not a word for Laurent Delahousse

The day after the publication of the charge of Michel Drucker, France Televisions had reframed the animator. Stung, Takis Candilis, director of antennas and programs of the French audiovisual group, sent him a message to him saying "it was inadmissible that two great talents of public service clash in the public square". A little before, Yannick Letranchant, executive director in charge of information at France 2, had posted a tweet to ease tensions. "We must keep our reason. The Directorate of Information praises the work of Laurent Delahousse, an iconic and respected figure of France Televisions, its teams and editorial staff. Everyone has his place and his role in public service. "

This did not prevent Michel Drucker from putting a layer on it. "I have pbaded the age of keeping quiet. Everyone knows that this environment is the ball of false bades. After fifty-five years of work, I thought I deserved more courtesy and elegance. But I am too attached to the past, to affect. It's the reaction of a wounded, a disappointed … ", he said to Télé Magazine .

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