Michel Drucker: "Laurent Delahousse is not a good guy"


"You see the satellite dishes? I slept just below when I started at the ORTF in the summer of '64. I was scared to be turned over. "54 years, day after day, after its debut rue Cognacq-Jay, the former headquarters of public television, Michel Drucker was keen to hit the roof of the building, occupied today by LCP, Travel or Motors TV. A way of his own to take the height.

In September, France 2 stops "Vivement dimanche prochain" at 18 hours, but reprogram "Vivement dimanche" from 14 to 16 hours, yet arrested two years ago …

MICHEL DRUCKER At the time, I had been told that it was necessary to rejuvenate brands. Then, the channel wanted me to resume the show last year with Thomas Thouroude. But I did not feel it. Finally, I think it will please an audience of regulars who wondered if I was still doing TV. I will not warm up

What's new for the new version?

Franck Ferrand will be at my side to tell a character and a region related to the guest wire. He is a magnificent storyteller. The designer of the "World", Jean Plantu, alternating with Chaunu, from "Ouest-France", will sketch the news, Marcel Ychoux will dramatize medicine and another chronicler will talk about animals. I will also have three-four bonuses, including one on soldiers around the world.

You signed your contract three months after the scheduled date. How did you live these last weeks?

A month ago, I wanted to leave France 2. It was two years that I did not feel comfortable anymore. I had told Delphine Ernotte (Editor's note: patron of France televisions) . It disturbed me that I often move boxes. I wondered if I had not pbaded the expiry date. I have the obsession not to do the fight too much and I began to lose the desire. And then, Takis Candilis (note: number 2 of France Televisions) convinced me that I still had my place, that I was still young. That I had to stop the paranoid crises

At 75, you still lack confidence in yourself?

I was marked by the departure of Poivre, Chazal, Lepers, Pujadas, from Leymergie and others. I wanted to anticipate. I always had doubts, but they woke up in September when France 2 launched "19 hours on Sunday" presented by Laurent Delahousse instead "Vivement dimanche prochain" which was the first talk show. I told myself: Ok, they want someone younger, more beautiful, more blond who will seduce more housewives. We do not dare to make me understand that I became has-been. What I had already started when I stopped "Champs-Elysées" in 1990 and that had annihilated me before Francis Bouygues makes me come on TF1. This time, my wife told me You've been here for 55 years. One must stop one day! I am preparing to leave the TV for a very long time. I had planned to say soberly to people "Happy holidays to all, thank you for everything.

This season, you have thrown several spikes at Laurent Delahousse …

Until then, it was humor. In all my life, I have never criticized a colleague, I have been loyal and loyal to the public service. But here it is too much. Because Laurent Delahousse is not a good guy. He asked for my place for almost ten years. Each season, he threatened to leave if he did not have the 19 hours while I was a locomotive for his newspaper. Initially, I did not believe it. Until the day he said it openly. It pained me. I found it surreal. He was incredibly inelegant. It's even the golden ball of discipline. And internally, I'm not the only one to think so. At the time, I wrote to him. He tried to make me believe that he was courtesy incarnate. I have no grudge, but I have memories.

The Minister of Culture, Françoise Nyssen, recently reiterated the words of Delphine Ernotte pointing to the "white men over 50". Did you feel targeted again?

It made me smile. I am not a white man over 50, but a white man over 70 years old. I am out of category. Want to rejuvenate the audience for economic reasons, why not? But having become the presenter of seniors, it is very rewarding. There is not a sous-public

VIDEO. "Franck Ferrand and Plantu join Vivement Dimanche"

Last season, you were approached to take over the "Grand Journal" box on Cbad +. And this year?

There, I went to see if the grbad was not greener elsewhere. In particular, I met Ara Aprikian (Editor's note: the director of programs of the TF1 group) . I saw Vincent Bolloré (note: the majority shareholder of Cbad +) . I also talked a lot with Cyril Hanouna, who wants to become chain boss within three years. He told me You come on C8 whenever you want. Look, Thierry Ardisson is happy. You'll do whatever you want. I thought about it. But France 2 managed to hold me back.

You also wanted to come back on radio …

It was part of my plans, if I stopped the TV. I miss the radio. I would like to revive "Radioscopie" by Jacques Chancel. As long as I have a good voice, I would like to join France Inter. Maybe in a year. My other desire is to present on TV a daily late evening third party show. But not American. We have nothing to learn from them. It's so written that it lacks spontaneity. It remains to find the chain. Last season, France 2 had offered me to do a talk show on Friday night. But why do that when there is already Ruquier on Saturday which I'm a fan?

Your TV year was marked by the tribute premium to Johnny Hallyday …

I am told about it every day. But I will not say more. My Johnny to me is the Johnny of 'I love you', not the one from Dallas. We sent each other little words before his death. He also told me one day jokingly, when he already had a serious problem in the lungs, You'll do my necro, huh? I did his necro. And in the end, I wanted to add We'll meet again someday. Kiss Coluche and Gainsbourg for me but it's not out. I was annihilated. Everyone was crying. I received messages from Anne Sinclair and François Hollande who told me the same thing. Since then, I do not talk about it anymore. After the Madeleine, I did not see anyone around Johnny. I do not know where the inheritance will pbad, but considering the army of lawyers, it is not lost for everyone.

In your one-man-show "Alone with you", you tackle your own mort …

When I see them all, I will do the greatest show of all time with Gainsbourg, Coluche, Hallyday, Claude François and many others unfortunately. I would just like to die in good health and with a good ratings. Here, Delahousse could say "One day, one destiny". At least he will have to be elegant. We have scheduled a capture of the show in October. And we have put together a documentary on the history of this adventure, which I wish to continue in all the countries where my programs are broadcast on TV5 Monde. It will be my turn of the world, to me.

At the beginning, you will release a new book "It takes time to stay young" …

With age, I discovered that it must be said things without fear. I regret to have been a little timid, to have conveyed the image of a character always benevolent, while I am someone extremely lucid. There are people who were only impostures and left with an image they did not deserve. Like Commander Cousteau who left me a very bad memory. He was unfriendly and pretentious. I will not give other names. The important thing is that they know that I know. I do not want to be an idiot

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