Michelle Williams of Destiny's Child and Katy Perry open up on their mental health issues


In an Instagram post, Michelle Williams, who has been fighting the disease for years, writes that she "asked for help from a large team of health professionals."

The TMZ site reports that she was hospitalized in a clinic in Los Angeles.

If you change your mindset, you can change your life.

Michelle Williams

The artist did not give any details about his treatment, and his agent did not recall the Associated Press.

The message says Michelle Williams was dedicated to raising people's awareness of mental health, including encouraging them to seek help when needed. She has recently decided to listen to her own advice and wants to set an example by seeking treatment.

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Katy Perry was pbading through Montreal with the show Withness Photo: The Canadian Press / Ryan Remiorz

Katy Perry, "the broken heart"

The pop singer Katy Perry also opened in Vogue Australia on her mental health, especially on the difficulties that occurred as a result many negative reviews about his album Witness released in 2017.

"I had situational depression crises," she says in the issue to be released July 23. My heart was broken last year because, without knowing it, I gave so much importance to public reaction, and the audience did not react as I expected.

Last winter, Katy Perry attended a personal growth retreat at the Hoffman Institute.

In her view, the sense of rupture and opening up to a higher power allowed her to

One of the biggest lies we are selling is that we, the artists, must suffer to create.

Katy Perry, Vogue Australia Magazine

Like Michelle Williams the pop singer also encouraged people with mental health issues to ask for help. She has already given Hoffman Gift Certificates to friends in trouble.

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