Too cute! Yes meltynauts, if the star of That 70's Show is generally very mysterious about her married life with her famous husband, she decided to confide open heart lately . Sudden revelations just adorable and prove that the two lovers are like you and me. As Mila Kunis unveiled the details of her first kiss with Ashton Kutcher, the young woman again took the time to tell more about the beginning of their love affair when she was on the show WTF with Marc Maron : "I made a film called Friends With Benefits, it made a very similar film called No Strings Attached, but we tried it." [19659002Shegoesontoreveal: "We thought we were just going out, having a good time without thinking about the consequences, we were both single, we had confidence in each other, everything was perfect But after three months, I started having feelings, and I said, "I care about you. I do not want to waste anything between us so I'll just leave before it becomes more than that. "He told me okay and the next day he suggested that we live together." Statements too cute ! One thing is certain, they did well to try because they were never so happy . In the meantime, discover how Mila Kunis' mother reacted by learning that she was dating Ashton Kutcher.
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