Mont de l'Enclus: The winner of the MR?



The MR of Mont-de-l'Enclus is ready for electoral combat, as long as there is one, since it is not yet certain that the minority will present one. [19659003] The MR has been in power since 2000 at Mont-de-l'Enclus. "We were first of all with the socialist partner during the first legislature and we obtained an absolute majority in 2006 and we have kept it since then" recalls Bourgmestre Jean-Pierre Bourdeaud'huy . "I do not know today if the minority will come up with a list, it's not my problem, it's the opposition, but I would prefer to have a list. It is important to have debates even if we do not have the same vision. "

Be that as it may, the MR wants to stay in power. "We have implemented projects, a method of work, we hope that it will continue.I could evoke the work of roads, the protection of the purchasing power of citizens by not touching taxes."

The RM also wants to continue the work done in the fight against floods. "Work has already been done and there is still the file of the Pré marsh in Anserœul."

Another theme: security. "We have acquired preventive radars, we have invested in the purchase of cases for a repressive radar, and we want to support the creation of PLP, local prevention partnerships, projects already in Amougies and Anseroeul. "

Jean-Pierre Bourdeaud'huy then mentions several challenges, including a multi-service space with a nursery and housing on the site of the former state high school of Amougies, the revitalization of the Enclave du Haut and tourist development … " We are also working on new projects such as a solidarity taxi service for the poor and the elderly or the creation of a sports hall."

MR Mont-de-l'Enclus now has nine elected members of the municipal council, out of the thirteen seats. And on the evening of October 14, they could occupy the thirteen folding seats.

Jean-Pierre Bourdeaud'huy will take the list

The outgoing mayor Jean-Pierre Bourdeaud'huy will be head of the MR list. If he is again elected first citizen of Mont-de-l'Enclus, it will be his third mandate as burgomaster, after being alderman for 6 years.

Behind him, we find Magda Mas, Philippe D'hondt, Virginie Weytsman (the daughter of the alderman Guy Weytsman who decided to give up her place), Marnix Verstraeten, Christel Verschuere, Denis Detemmerman, Frederika Buckens, Thierry Delbroeck, Nora Vynck, Martin Provider, Sabine Havrin and Willy Monnier.

"This is a French-speaking town with many Dutch-speaking inhabitants" explains Jean-Pierre Bourdeaud'huy. "For this reason, four Dutch-speaking candidates are included, as well as bilingual candidates, and we have tried to have candidates from all the villages."

The average age of candidates is 53, as in 2012. The youngest member of the list is 31 years old and the oldest is 70.


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