Relive in images the longest total eclipse of the Moon of the XXI e century. A magnificent spectacle shared by millions of people on half of the planet during the night of July 27 to 28.
Friday, July 27, half of the planet attended the longest total eclipse of the Moon of the century . A show that many are not ready to forget. It was wonderful. And what is more, March in conjunction, joined the party. It was the same day as his opposition and a handful of days before it reached its smallest distance with the Structure of the globe … "data-image =" https: //fr.cdn.v5.futura -sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/8/4/e/84ff7edce5_123534_terre-apollo8.jpg "data-url =" / planet / definitions / structure-earth-earth-4725 / "data-more =" Read more "> Earth since 2003, July 31. The brilliance of the Red Planet will remain very strong for several days.
In Central Asia, in Iran, in the Arabian Peninsula, in Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion, the eclipse was visible from beginning to end.Some took the time to follow the entire sequence of the totality, almost 103 minutes, to the eye bad and / or in an instrument In metropolitan France, where unfortunately weather was not everywhere in good shape, a little more than half of the phenomenon was visible.The A moon with a "L" tiny es t The satellite of a planet For example Phobos and Deimos are the two moons of the planet Mars
The Moon
The Moon with a capital "L" is the only natural satellite of the Earth; it probably results from a collision there is 4.4 … "data-image =" https://fr.cdn.v5.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/c/7/8 /c785911d64_50034415_lune-05.jpg "data-more =" / sciences / definitions / universe-moon-2550 / "data-more =" Read more "> Moon had risen from a mood Our satellite had just left half-light and was gradually sinking into the thicker shadow of the Earth.Our satellite changed its face.It was usually pale, it became brick red darken again and again, and sport a dark heart Almost at the climax, here is a list of celestial objects that can be called star (no … "data-image =" https: //fr.cdn .v5.futura-sciences.com / buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / 6 / c / c / 6cc6562b02_127395_astre-c-esa-hubble-nasa.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / etoile-astre-851 / " data-more = "Read More"> star was near the center of the Earth's shadow. irci, you'd think it was going to dissolve in the night. The moon was no more than a ghost, the shadow of itself. The white light
The wavelengths of visible light range from about 380 nm (purple) to 780 nm (red). The visible spectrum is … "data-image =" https://www.cdn.v5.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/b/6/9/b697a0c09f_85912_lumiere.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-lumiere-326 / "data-more =" Read more "> light live from The Sun is the star closest to the Earth, from which it is distant from The Sun is located at 8.5 kparsecs from the center of the Milky Way, in the clbadification of stars, the sun is a star of the G2 type.
The mbad is … "data-image = "https://www.cdn.v5.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/1/d/9/1d9cd1d45f_50034577_eruption.jpg" data-url = "/ sciences / definitions / universe-sun-3727 /" data-more = "Read more"> Sun was extinguished and a slight cloud was enough to make it disappear
Then, moving away from the darkness, it changed again from color until becoming veiled with turquoise and purplish shades The sun crossing the Earth's ozone layer was projected onto the moon's disk. The red tones, on the other hand, testified to the composition of the atmosphere and its content in aerosols The formation of clouds
The quantity … "data-image = "https://www.cdn.v5.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/b/7/e/b7e2382b95_59611_mer-nuages-seblino-camptocamporg-cc-30.jpg" data-url = "/ planete / definitions / climatologie-nuage-14525 / "data-more =" Read more "> clouds volcanic ash, etc., on the edges of our planet at the moment when the three stars were aligned (Sun , Earth, Moon)
Find below our selection of photographs of the total eclipse of the captured July 27th Moon.
Eclipse of the Moon, Mars and Aurora in The Southern Night
This is one of the most popular and shared photos, it's like a sci-fi movie, a human base set in a new world that our species has colonized. This, but on Earth … The photo was taken on Earth, near the South Pole. At the heart of the southern night, Mars and the Moon have also displayed together in the company of a dawn for the delight of the few inhabitants of this region at the end of the world.
A Blood Red Moon over the Alps
Adrien Mauduit great hunter of starry nights, did not miss the lunar eclipse . From the top of the Swiss Alps, the photographer has been watching for the rising of the bloody moon. This gives superb shots and also a magical timelapse of the phenomenon to be discovered here
The eclipse of Moon seen from space
Let's take a little more height. This time, we discover the total lunar eclipse of space, about 400 kilometers above the earth's surface. From the Space Station where he currently resides, Alexander Gerst has captured this beautiful moment when the Moon begins to emerge from the shadow of the Earth. Gradually our satellite resumes its brilliance, some 400,000 kilometers from Earth and the astronaut …
A moon of blood
The eclipse of Moon photographed in the sky of Luxembourg. Our satellite shifts from brick red to sepia with bluish tints.
Two red lighthouses at night
Two glowing dots in the sky of Iran. On the night of July 27 to 28, the redest star was not Mars but the Moon. The latter was about 400,000 kilometers while Mars at almost 57.6 million kilometers.
Mars and the Moon over an ancient city
The lunar eclipse and Mars over the ruins of Laodicea of Lycos, ancient capital of Phrygia
Portrait of the Moon veiled by the shadow of the Earth
The Moon comes out of the shadow of her great companion the Earth. A rocky ball that is not flat as demonstrated each time eclipses of the Moon.
On the road of the stars
Superb composition: the Moon and Mars over a caravanserai near Tehran in Iran . The two stars shine brightly near the path of stars of the Milky Way.
In photos, the lunar eclipse of January 31, 2018
Article of Xavier Demeersman published on February 1, 2018
Relive the spectacular total lunar eclipse of January 31 in 10 photos and videos.
Yesterday, January 31, during that the Europeans were having lunch and until the middle of the afternoon (from 11:48 to 15:12 UT), it was the night on the antipodes and the Full Moon was veiled. Thus, the clear night darkened and our usual wormy satellite became red and even stained with darkness. For a few hours, the Moon hid from the Sun behind the Earth, sinking into the shadows and then the shadow of our Planet. Its blood color results from the rays of the Sun that cross the Earth's atmosphere and are refracted on it. A coloration that can vary according to the degree of concentration of dust, pollution and other aerosols over the regions that are then on the plants or trees, such as acacia, can guide their … " image = "https://www.cdn.v5.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/b/b/2/bb2b61e143_50037946_div-limbe-afl-ldorg.jpg" data-url = "/ planet / definitions / botanique-limbe-11349 / "data-more =" Read more "> limbe .
This superb total eclipse of the Moon could be admired in the area of visibility centered on the vast Pacific Ocean, from the eastern half of Asia and Siberia to a western fringe of North America in China, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and all of Oceania … Tahiti and New Caledonia were very well placed to take full advantage of the event (the whole took about 76 minutes)
Here is our selection of the most beautiful photos of this celestial event
The Moon eclipse seen from Texas
Most Americans could not follow the total lunar eclipse from end to end but have everything from even to see it darken and scorch – especially to the west – until it disappears before it disappears below the horizon. The Earth is well round as shown by its shadow projected on the Moon.
A Bloody Moon above the Devil's Tower
A Full Moon turned red over the Devil's Tower in Wyoming. Earlier in the night, the snow has sprinkled the landscape.
A red moon planted above Boston
In this photo, Boston seems crushed under the frost actually is not due to the moon. But the fact that this star is visible at night indicates that the sky is clear …. "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / universe-moon-red-980 / "data-more =" Read more " > Red moon In the eastern United States, part of the show was visible but only at the end of the night.
The Moon eclipse from Japan
An image which summarizes the sequence of the total eclipse of the Moon of January 31. Photos taken in Japan, well located to enjoy the show from beginning to end.
Full Moon Blood between shadow and light
The Moon s' sinks into the darkness of the Earth, singed, but here, it still has one foot in full sunlight, outside the shadow.It is quite problematic for photographers who want to grasp the phenomenon Celestial.
The Moon Disappears behind the Mountains of Arizona
As the Moon Crossed the Earth's Shadow, in Arizona it was Getting Ready to lie behind the Chiricahua Mountains in southern Arizona
The Lunar eclipse in accelerated (video)
If you could not see the total lunar eclipse of January 31, revive- the accelerated!
The total eclipse of the Moon, from beginning to end. © Nasa
The Full Moon poses beside the Statue of Liberty
The Full Moon sketched in the early morning in New York, behind the Statue of Liberty.
Full Moon of Wolves and Blood
] A " blue superlune of blood "? Superlune not quite. Blue, not at all (the term refers to the second Full Moon in the same month). On the other hand, "moon of blood" yes, because of course of the eclipse. Otherwise, January's Full Moon is also known as the Full Moon of Wolves.
Transit of the International Space Station in Full Moon
The silhouette of the International Space Station (ISS), the only orbital station in service, represents a major step for the … "data-image =" https://www.cdn.v5.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/d/3/4/d34dc1c390_50084100_iss-01.jpg "data -url = "/ sciences / definitions / astronautics-international-space-station-2571 /" data-more = "Read more"> International Space Station which currently houses six astronauts is clearly visible in front of the Full Moon on January 31. Our satellite was then a little less than 359,000 kilometers from the Earth.Not quite a true "superlune" but almost ISS is, she, only 400 kilometers from the surface of the Earth.
Discover also the gallery Super Blue Blood Moon on Fli ckr.
In images, the partial eclipse of the Moon of August 7, 2017
Article by Xavier Demeersman published on August 8, 2017
In pictures, the partial eclipse of the Moon. It was again the 7th of August for the Europeans who could admire the end of the show when the Moon rose. And it was already August 8, for all those who followed it in its entirety, towards the Levant, around the Indian Ocean.
Did you observe the partial lunar eclipse last night ? Yes No ? The weather may have been capricious. Here is a selection of photos of this celestial event that were taken in various parts of the world, at least in areas where the phenomenon was visible.
Thus, those who were in countries bordering the Indian Ocean have they could follow the eclipse in its totality. On the European side, the phenomenon ended when Moon sometimes a little red, rose above the eastern horizon, southeast, facing the setting sun. And the further east, south-east, the longer the sequence. Some were able to admire the full moon veiled and others a piece of its southern half soaking in the round shadow of our planet.
The partial lunar eclipse seen over the Alps [19659007] It is in the Jura that this very beautiful picture was taken, in Gex in the Ain. The author wanted to see the full moon partly eclipsed rise above the Alps. The clouds left him a few minutes to capture the phenomenon. A video 4K (to see here ) allows us to relive these moments as if we were there.
The full moon eclipsed overhang the temple of Poseidon
The Moon the south pole is as if erased, seems to float above the temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion, Greece. The archaeological site has been exceptionally open to the public to witness the celestial phenomenon. At the same time, behind them and facing the lunar star, the Sun disappeared in the waters of the Mediterranean.
The Moon nibbled in the sky of Germany
In the sky of Munich, Germany, the full Moon is amputated from its south pole by the shadow of the Earth. The conditions were very good to admire this heavenly spectacle.
At the maximum of the partial lunar eclipse
The shadow of the Earth had invaded 25% of the lunar disc when this picture was taken in Hong Kong. It was the peak of the partial lunar eclipse and we were there on August 8th. The photographer says that 10 minutes after this shooting, it was raining.
The partial eclipse of the Moon over the night in the Philippines
Composite image of the partial lunar eclipse that took place between August 7th and 8th. The photos were taken at the Pagasa astronomical observatory in the Philippines
The images of Futura's Facebook friends …
On the island of Reunion, the moon was also overshadowed by clouds. This does not prevent a beautiful image.
In Dubrovnik, Croatia, the Moon flies over the Adriatic.
The Moon is red when she gets up just when the Eclipse ends
Our friend and collaborator Jean-Baptiste Feldmann, (who you can follow on his blog and whose images of the eclipse of 2010 appear below), eminent photographer of the sky , likes to install a terrestrial panorama.
The eclipse of Moon of December 21, 2010 in photos
Article of Jean-Baptiste Feldmann published on December 25, 2010
The show was good for the photographers who were lucky to have a clear sky on December 21 to witness the pbadage of the Moon in the shadow of the earth.
Many of you have tried to observe the lunar eclipse on December 21 . Unfortunately, as we let you hear that day by offering the first images of the phenomenon, the observers located in the Hexagon have not seen much. As the eclipse unfolded at dawn on the western horizon, the sky was almost everywhere cluttered with clouds. Only Normandy and Brittany were entitled to a few thinnings.
So it was the astrophotographers installed on the American continent who could enjoy the show. Back on this eclipse with images collected on the websites offers three types of basic services: … "data-image =" https://www.cdn.v5.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/ 2 / d / 4 / 2d44ed5fbf_50034607_internet-02.jpg "data-more =" / tech / definitions / internet-internet-3983 / "data-more =" Read more "> Internet American Astronomy and on social networks
The most beautiful photos of the lunar eclipse
On December 21, the eclipsed moon winked at the space shuttle Discovery on its launch pad at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, its launch was postponed in 2011 due to cracks in its outer tank.
From Dublin, a city in the state of Georgia located in the Southeast United States, the astrophotographer J. Westlake made this superb lunar portrait with a camera is said to be, as opposed to badog ics, the representation of data or physical quantities by means of characters – numbers generally – and also systems, devices or processes employing this data-url = "/ tech / definitions / computer-numerical-584 / "data-more =" Read more "> digital and a telescope 28 centimeters in diameter. This eclipse was relatively clear due to the absence of volcanic dust currently suspended in the Earth's atmosphere.
Using a wide-field photo lens at the time of the entire eclipse, Mark A. Brown, a Pennsylvania-based photographer, captured many stars with a long exposure. Only total eclipses can photograph the Full Moon in a field of stars without being blinded by its dazzling clarity.
This scene was photographed from Brazil. Giancarlo Ubaldo Nappi was able to compose an image where terrestrial elements mix with the eclipse due to the low position of the Moon.
In New Zealand, the clouds disrupted Jeremy Taylor's shots, giving a dramatic and dramatic rendering of his images of the Moon eclipse .
Before the full moon begins to illuminate the sky, a spectacle remarkably rendered by the use of a very short focal length of fisheye type to obtain a field close to 180 degrees.
Who said that the astronomy was irreconcilable with the light pollution of the big cities? In the heart of New York, the eclipsed Moon overcomes the Manhattan Bridge that connects this island to the Brooklyn neighborhood by spanning the East River.
Astronomical Enthusiasts Now Looking Forward to the Next New Moon . It will take place on January 4 and if the weather is good we will witness a sunrise eclipsed between 60 and 75% depending on our position on the French territory. We will talk about it again …
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Total lunar eclipse of 28 October 2004 Richemont farm, 25 km south of Bordeaux Clear sky during the entry into the shadows, until the beginning of the totality. During the whole: a few short thunderstorms allowing to do poses of 10s, then blocked sky preventing to see the end of all. Kepler telescope 120/1000 motorized, lunar tracking. Reflex film vivitar 3800N (mechanic) in focus Film: centuria 200 iso Pose 10s, occultation manual © Copyright – Jean-Baptiste GORDIEN. All rights reserved. http://www.astrosurf.com/astrojb
The Total Lunar Eclipse of October 28, 2004 Richemont farm, 25 km south of Bordeaux Clear sky during the entrance in the shadow, until the beginning of the totality. During the whole: a few short thunderstorms allowing to do poses of 10s, then blocked sky preventing to see the end of all. Kepler telescope 120/1000 motorized, lunar tracking. Reflex film vivitar 3800N (mechanic) in focus Film: centuria 200 iso Pose 10s, occultation manual © Copyright – Jean-Baptiste GORDIEN. All rights reserved. http://www.astrosurf.com/astrojb
Total Lunar Eclipse 08-09 November 2003 © Copyright – Vincent BELIN. All rights reserved. http://astrosurf.com/bsa/
The Total Moon Eclipse of October 28, 2004 Los Angeles West Partly cloudy sky for all, covered during the other phases. Low turbulence. Telescope Clavius 166 – APN Casio QV 5700 EX – Poses from 0.5 to 1 sec. 100 ISO Self-timer 2 sec. Focusing the camera to infinity. Focusing from the Crayford of the Telescope © Copyright – Didier FAVRE. All rights reserved. http://favre.didier.free.fr
The Total Moon Eclipse of October 28, 2004 Los Angeles West Partly cloudy sky for all, covered during the other phases. Low turbulence. Telescope Clavius 166 – APN Casio QV 5700 EX – Poses from 0.5 to 1 sec. 100 ISO Self-timer 2 sec. Focusing the camera to infinity. Focusing from the Crayford of the Telescope © Copyright – Didier FAVRE. All rights reserved. http://favre.didier.free.fr
The Total Moon Eclipse of October 28, 2004 Los Angeles West Partly cloudy sky for all, covered during the other phases. Low turbulence. Telescope Clavius 166 – APN Casio QV 5700 EX – Poses from 0.5 to 1 sec. 100 ISO Self-timer 2 sec. Focusing the camera to infinity. Focusing from the Crayford of the Telescope © Copyright – Didier FAVRE. All rights reserved. http://favre.didier.free.fr
Total lunar eclipse 08-09 November 2003 08-09 November 2003 around 01h20 UT Argenteuil (Val d'Oise) Misty sky with Nikon F601 cloud pbadages in the focus of a C8 Exposure time: 8 '' Kodak Gold 100 ASA © Copyright – François DEBRICON. All rights reserved Possibility to reach the author: [email protected]
Total lunar eclipse of October 28, 2004 G9 40mm eyepiece APN A80 © Copyright – Frank TYRLIK. All rights reserved. http://www.astrosurf.com/astro-clic
Total lunar eclipse of October 28, 2004 G9 40mm eyepiece APN A80 © Copyright – Frank TYRLIK. All rights reserved. http://www.astrosurf.com/astro-clic
Total lunar eclipse of October 28, 2004 G9 40mm eyepiece APN A80 © Copyright – Frank TYRLIK. All rights reserved. http://www.astrosurf.com/astro-clic
Total Moon Eclipse – Rosary – May 16, 2003 Reduced to 30%, telephoto 200mm (mounted with rubber bands on the researcher !!!) with webcam Toucampro. Images captured in a single shot, manual mode to avoid overexposing the crescent not yet in the shade. Treatment: Unsharp mask and editing under PSP7. © Copyright – Robert CAZILHAC. All rights reserved. http://www.astrosurf.com/cazilhac
Total lunar eclipse of 08-09 November 2003 Toucam telephoto lens of 210mm on GP mount Processing realized under Iris Finishing in Photoshop © Copyright – Sébastien LEJEUNE. All rights reserved. http://cominesastro.free.fr/
Total lunar eclipse – November 08, 2003 SLR camera 24x36mm with telephoto lens of 300mm with focal lengther Inverter film of 400 ISO thrust at 800 ISO The slides have been scanned – rosary made in Photoshop © Copyright – Materne LINDER. All rights reserved. contact the author: [email protected]
Total Moon Eclipse – January 09, 2001 24x36mm SLR camera with 300mm telephoto lens with focal lengther Inverter film of 400 ISO pushed to 800 ISO The slides were scanned – rosary made in Photoshop © Copyright – Materne LINDER. All rights reserved. contact the author: [email protected]
Total lunar eclipse – May 16, 2003 24x36mm SLR camera with 300mm telephoto lens with focal lengther Inverter film of 400 ISO pushed to 800 ISO The slides were scanned – rosary made in Photoshop © Copyright – Materne LINDER. All rights reserved. contact the author: [email protected]
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Tristan LEBEAUME Member of the AEAAC http://www.aeaac.org / SONY DSC-W15 Exposure time: 5 s Aperture of the diaphragm: 2.8
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Tristan LEBEAUME Member of the AEAAC http: // www.aeaac.org/ SONY DSC-W15 Exposure time: 5 s Aperture of the diaphragm: 2.8
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Philippe Girardeau 11:57 PM PLEASURE OF THE GERS 32160 APN LUMIX PANASONIC MAXIMUM ZOOM 15 TIMES
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Jean-Marie Cavalie 1000/10 objective and Canon EOS20D
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Laurent Reydy Tours EOS 350d gun with a 75-300mm lens speed: 1/25 aperture: 16.0 iso: 100 focal length: 300mm time: 21:40
3 March 2007 – Total Moon Eclipse Credits: Xavier DELCROIX Remove an hour from the picture
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Sébastien Douce Coudreceau 28400
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Sébastien PELLETIER Le Havre Panasonic DMC-FZ5
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Alain Doignon MEADE 114 910 with a digital Olympus C350
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Olivier Guyot http://www.photographies-naturelles.fr photo was taken with a 100-400 mm mounted on a Canon 20D, 400 mm, in the Paris region, at midnight. The exposure time was 1.3 seconds, at 800 iso, with a diaphragm aperture of F / 5.6. The "mirror up" function was activated to reduce the vibration of the trigger. The picture was cropped slightly.
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Guy-Gérard MAYOR Canton of Valais in Switzerland – Canon Ixus 700
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Dominique de Raigniac Le Mans
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Jean
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Jean APN Fuji 6mp
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits its: Orion Optic SPX 200/900, Baader MPCC, SkyViewPro, SW 80/400, EOS350D, Orion Starshoot DS
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Roule sw 150 / 750 oc 20 mm apn 4.2 mp 100 iso pose 8s
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Sébastien Mulot Editing: Ascending phase of the eclipse, between 22h50 and 23h30 GTM Taken in the Toulouse Region Appliance; Minolta D7D + lens 100-300 sigma + converter x 1.4 kenko (shot of equivalent view 630mm)
3 March 2007 – Total lunar eclipse Credits: Sébastien Mulot Photo taken alone at 00h21min GMT Taken in the Toulouse area Apparatus; Minolta D7D + lens 100-300 sigma + converter x 1.4 kenko (equivalent shot 630mm)
March 3, 2007 – Total Moon Eclipse Credits: Astromarco Canon EOSD camera at home from my lulu orion 100/900 Pose from 5sec to 200 iso.
Eclipse of the Moon of March 3 Material: "comet-catcher" (150/500) of Celestron, with an 18 mm eyepiece, followed by a Apn nikon coolpix 4300 Credits: P. REVERDIAU
Total lunar eclipse of 21 February 2008 from Asilah (Morocco) Total lunar eclipse of 21 February 2008 from Asilah (Morocco). Telephoto lens MTO 500, focal length: 500 mm, F / D = 6.3. Canon Canon 350D unencrypted. Poses from 1 / 1250th of dry to 100 ISO (penumbra) to 6 sec on ISO 200 (middle of all). ©: Philippe Morel, Astronomy, SAF http://www.saf-lastronomie.com:80/revue/ http://www2.saf-lastronomie.com/
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