more information about the content of the new update


 Vampyr: two new modes of difficulty arrive, there is something for everyone

With Vampyr and its status of AA "only", Dontnod can boast of having found an economic model that fits him wonderfully well and which, above all, pays off: the game sold nearly half a million copies in just one month. It must be said that the adventure of Dr. Reid was pretty good, having even raised a 16/20 in our stands. It is therefore with a certain logic that the French studio has every interest in ensuring a true follow-up on his game, and this is good because he just announced the arrival later this summer a fairly substantial update First of all, this one will integrate two new modes of difficulty. The first, dubbed "Story", will minimize the difficulty of fighting for a more narrative aspect. The opposite of the "Hard" mode that will increase the complication: worse yet, you will earn less XP to their output, forcing you to find other ways to increase your power. Finally, the update will bring a lot of corrections, the game is far from being free of bugs of any kind. Good news!

We're happy to announce two new game modes coming to Vampyr – a Story Mode, that places more focus on the narrative, and a Hard Mode, which emphasizes the need to feed for greater power. [19659004] Learn more at:

– Vampyr Game (@VampyrGame) July 27, 2018

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