More than 37 ° and it's not over: Belgium officially entered a heat wave



Belgium officially entered a heat wave on Thursday confirmed the meteorologist David Dehenauw.

The heat wave is officially reached when the temperature exceeds 25 degrees for five consecutive days, with at least three days during which a minimum temperature of 30 degrees is recorded.

In this July 26 the hottest ever recorded in Belgium Mercury rose to 35.4 ° C at the Uccle Observatory, and even 37.4 ° C in Retie, Campine Antwerp, said late Thursday afternoon meteorologist David Dehenauw. "Since 1833, there have been only seven more hot days than today in Uccle," said the meteorologist Frank Deboosere, cited by the VRT on its website. The latter even predicts that temperatures will exceed 36 ° C in Uccle on Friday and 38 ° C in Kempen, which could also break a record, on July 27, 1928 having recorded 32.4 ° C.

"The year also last we had a heat wave in Belgium, during the month of June.One of the longest heat waves date from the summer of 1976, when temperatures have exceeded 30 ° C for 15 days in a row. heat was then 17 days, which was also the case in 1997. The hottest July remains for the moment that of 2006, when the heat wave lasted 16 days and the average mercury reached 23 ° This was the beginning of the heat wave that we have now started on July 23 because, since that day, the maximum temperature has never fallen below 25 ° C. Uccle. "It's possible that we are setting a new record, but the forecast for next week's Saturday and Tuesday is 26 ° C and 25 ° C. However, there are still some forecasts, which may vary by a few degrees," the report concluded. meteorologist.

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