NATO summit: here are the streets to avoid



If you plan to go to Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday, it is better to organize yourself because several streets will be closed to traffic. As indicated by the police of Brussels-Capital-Ixelles, security perimeters will be established in different places.

Starting with the surroundings of the site of NATO in Haren and the surroundings of the royal palace, the embbady American, Cinquantenaire and Schuman roundabout

Near the NATO site, Avenue Léopold III / A201 will be completely closed to traffic on July 11 and 12 between the ring of Brussels (R0) and intersection with Avenue Jules Bordet

Near the US Embbady and the Royal Palace, rue Ducale will be closed between rue de la Loi and rue Lambermont from the evening of July 10 to July 12 in the afternoon.

The Cinquantenaire site, the Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrance, the Avenue de la Renaissance, the Avenue des Nerviens, the Avenue des Gaulois and Avenue de l'Yser will be closed all day on July 11th. Finally, the usual perimeter set up at a European summit may be temporarily activated near the European institutions. Temporary traffic closures are planned, among other things, at the end of the E19, on Ring 0, on the E40 between Ring 0 and the Reyers complex, rue de la Loi, rue Belliard, boulevard de Waterloo, avenue of the Golden Fleece or the small belt of Brussels on the surface.

Travelers advised to take precautions to get to Brussels Airport

"Access to the airport will be very complicated not only because of the closure of some roads leading to it like the A201, but also because the fifty delegations participating in the summit arrive and leave the airport, "said a spokeswoman for the Brussels Airport Company.

The 48-hour strike led by SIC also significantly reduced the rail offer on Wednesday, as the SNCB estimated that one out of every three trains was in circulation.

Travelers are advised to take precautions to get there. at Zav entem, the spokesperson added.


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