NATO summit in Brussels: a famous challenge for the police


The NATO summit that will take place on July 11 and 12 is, for the local police "
                    one of the biggest operations in years
                    "Said Friday the spokeswoman of the Brussels-Capital-Ixelles police area Ilse Van De Keere.
                She pointed out that the Brussels police must also be present on other events taking place at that time. The level of the threat is not raised for this summit, for its part indicated the center of crisis.

The NATO summit lasts two days and will take place in two places. During the day, the activities will take place at the new headquarters of NATO in Haren (Brussels). The official dinners will be organized at the Royal Museum of Art and History in the Cinquantenaire. 55 delegations and 29 heads of state or government are expected. "

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