New contract and nostalgic look at his career, Hamilton arrives in Germany


Like every Friday of Grand Prix, the RTBF offers the echoes of the paddock, unusual images, archives or statements not to be missed. In the paddock of the German GP, ​​honor to Lewis Hamilton who has just signed a new contract at Mercedes for the next 2 seasons. A look back at the British career in statistics, a look at his various races and the discovery of a letter from the world champion … to young Lewis …

Letter from Lewis … to Lewis

After more 10 years in F1, Lewis has come a long way. The opportunity for him to take a look in the rearview mirror and imagine what he would say to the young Lewis Hamilton before starting his career.

Hamilton in figures

Lewis Hamilton, it's a career already well filled: four world titles and multiple victories (65 so far). Back in numbers on the Lewis years

When Lewis returns from nowhere

The least we can say is that Lewis Hamilton never abdicates. Even when the scenario seems very badly embarked, the British still manage to glean some units since his debut in single-seater. The latest example: the Silverstone GP a fortnight ago

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