New York Daily News halves newsroom | Damian J. Troise


The newspaper was sold to Trunk last year for $ 1, the owner of the Chicago Tribune also paying media debts.

In an email to staff Monday, Tronc says employees still working at the "Daily News" will focus on breaking news about "crime, civil justice and public accountability."

The tabloid figured media scene in New York during the last century. He won 11 Pulitzer Awards, including last year for working with ProPublica on the misuse of eviction rules in New York.

There were rumors of impending cuts, and a message posted on Twitter early Monday morning by the editor gave a clue to the aftermath of things. Mr. Rich wrote that it was a good day for those "who hate democracy and believe that local governments should act unattended and in the dark."

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, urged Tronc to reconsider the layoffs, saying they were made without warning or seeking help from state authorities.

"I understand that big companies only see profits and dividends at the end of the day. But in New York, we also put in the equation the loss of a major institution, the loss of jobs, and the impact on affected families. I hope that Trunk will do the same and reevaluate its decision. New York State stands ready to help, "Cuomo said in a statement.

Revenues and Drawdown

Revenues and Printing of the Paper Version of the Publication have been declining for years Daily News despite his notable articles on health issues in social housing and for first responders after the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Revenues decreased by 22% 2014 to 2016, and the newspaper had already carried out staff reductions. Trunk did not want to say Monday how many journalists had lost their jobs.

"Since the beginning of the year, we have been working hard to turn the New York Daily News into a true business. digital-oriented that creates meaningful journalism, delivers it faster and more frequently, and develops new approaches to reach our readers, "said Tronc in an e-mail to newsroom employees.

" We have a better understanding of our readership. We have redefined our structures. But we did not go far enough, "the company added.

Trunk is the owner of the Chicago Tribune of Baltimore Sun and Orlando Sentinel ]

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