Neymar: "I did not want to see a ball after the defeat against Belgium"


Worldwide 2018

"I did not want to see a ball in front of me, I did not want to see any more football" after the disillusionment of the Mondial-2018, said Saturday the Brazilian star PSG Neymar in an exclusive interview with AFP [19659003] The most expensive player in history (EUR 222 million) spoke at the headquarters of the institute that bears his name in Praia Grande, a city near Sao Paulo where he grew up on the sidelines of the Red Bull Neymar tournament. Jr's Five. Smiling, he was dressed in a simple blue tank top, his son Davi Lucca, six years old, on his knees.

The Paris-SG striker, who put an end to speculation by announcing Thursday that he remained at home. Paris club also said "expect a lot" of the coming season, alongside a "legend" as the Italian goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon, recruited this summer.

After the elimination against Belgium in the quarter World Cup final (2-1), you said on Instagram that it would be "difficult to find the strength to come back and play football". You really thought about stopping?

"No, not stopping, but I did not want to see a ball in front of me, I did not want to see football, I wanted to disconnect from everything, I had my moments of mourning and sadness, but sadness can not last forever, I have my son, my family, my friends, they do not want to see me sad, and I have much more reason to be happy than to be sad

Do you find the criticisms against you unjust?

"I believe that one has more criticized the one who undergoes the faults than the one who makes them. Those who committed the faults came out unscathed. I did not go to the World Cup to suffer fouls, I went to beat my opponents. Afterwards, it is clear that they will not let me go without fault, because they know that if not, I go straight to the point. I think the reviews have been exaggerated, but I'm used to it, I'm a big boy, I know how to handle that sort of thing. (…) I can not be a referee and play at the same time, if I could, it would be simpler (laughs). "

Do you find that there is too much pressure on your shoulders

"No, all players feel the pressure. It's true that when it comes to me, there are double standards. I am aware of this responsibility, not only in selection, but also in club, since I was 17, 18 years old. I was prepared to handle this pressure and I know that when the results are not there, it increases. "

What do you expect next season with PSG?

"We have high expectations, we have hosted a legend of football (Buffon) that brings all its experience and will certainly help us a lot this season. I'm happy with his arrival, but also with the new coach (Thomas Tuchel), who is a great coach, so I hope together we'll have a great season. "

Have you been to contact with other teams?

"No, these are just speculations from the press. Those who invent these things must ask themselves how they do to know more about my life than me. I can not answer that kind of question because nothing has happened. "

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