Nicaragua: NGO urges Ortega to dismantle paramilitary groups


 Nicaragua: NGO urges Ortega to dismantle paramilitary groups "title =" Nicaragua: NGO urges Ortega to dismantle paramilitary groups "/>

<p> Paramilitaries in the city of Masaya, July 18, 2018MARVIN RECINOS </p>
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A Nicaraguan human rights organization on Thursday asked President Daniel Ortega to dismantle paramilitary groups accused of "kidnapping, torturing, murdering" and to "terrorize" the population

"If it is true, as President Ortega baderted," that these groups "do not belong to the government, that it is involved in guaranteeing the right to citizens' security, "asked Alvaro Leiva, secretary of the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPDH), in a press conference.

President Ortega denied Monday in an interview to the chain American Fox News, control the pro-government paramilitaries who have been seen acting alongside the police.

On the contrary, he accused political groups of leading anti-government militias, which he said killed "dozens" of police officers during the unrest.

M. Leiva badured Thursday that there was "a sufficient amount of evidence that says otherwise". "At present, citizens are terrorized, they feel defenseless and powerless" in the face of "unauthorized armed groups" who "kidnap, torture and murder," denounced the NGO official.

According to a recent report of the ANPDH, demonstrations against the government of President Daniel Ortega have so far made 448 dead. A figure that differs from that of the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh), whose last record amounts to 301 deaths.

The challenge, launched April 18 against a pension reform abandoned since then is quickly generalized to denounce confiscation of power by the 72-year-old former guerrilla.

Daniel Ortega is accused of having set up with his wife Rosario Murillo, who occupies the functions of vice-president, a dictatorship marked by corruption and nepotism.

He dismissed Monday any idea of ​​resignation, in the interview with Fox News, ensuring he intends to go to the end of his term, in 2021, while the street continues to to demand his resignation after three months of violence.

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