Nintendo claims millions of dollars from owner of two ROM sites


The sites and have attracted the attention of the Japanese firm.

The sites that offer video game ROMs are legion on the internet, but it seems that the two sites managed by Jacob Mathias have gone through the Nintendo viewfinder. According to the firm, the sites host many games of the brand and obviously pay nothing.

" LoveROMs and LoveRetro sites are among the most popular online platforms for pirated video games ", Nintendo explains in a lawsuit filed in an Arizona court of law. " Thanks to advertising, donations, and their popularity, both sites generated significant revenues ", continues Nintendo.

The firm does not laugh at all: moreover to request the closure of both sites, Nintendo claims $ 150,000 in damages per game listed on the sites, as well as up to $ 2 million for misuse of the mark. Both sites hosted a total of 140 games and cited about 40 licenses.

" The defendants reproduce and distribute many copies without the permission of Nintendo ," the company said, adding that more 17 million visitors visited these two sites each month

The owner of the sites, Jacob Mathias, has already closed the LoveRetro site after reading the complaint. The accused had also removed all Nintendo games from the LoveROMs site, but after verification, the site also closed in the face of Nintendo pressure.

Not the first time the Japanese firm attacks violators of its intellectual property. Not long ago, Nintendo had banned modified versions of Super Mario 64. It is expected that the Japanese company will continue to fight aggressively against piracy in the coming months.

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