Nintendo Unveils List of Exclusive Pokémon for Each Let's Go Version


Nintendo just unveiled the Pokémon that will be exclusive to each version of the game Let's Go.

Already eagerly awaited, fans of the Pokémon franchise have been waving impatiently since the announcement of the release of Let's Go, scheduled for November 16 on Nintendo Switch. And as tradition dictates, the game developer GameFreak will offer two versions to fans, each with their own Pokémon.

It's been almost 20 years since these small critters continue to convert new followers, with more and more creatures to catch. It is true that the model has not changed much, but that does not prevent it from flourishing.

Thus, and faithfully to the strategy of the developers, the next title of the franchise will land in two versions on Nintento Switch; Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Pokémon Let's Go Evoli. Players will have to make a difficult choice between the two since the collectibles will not be the same.

To help you with your purchase, here is the list of Pokémon present in both versions, the story of knowingly choosing:

– Pokémon Let's Go Evoli: Chétiflor, Emplifor, Boustiflor, Vulpix, Feunard, Meowth and Persian

– Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu: Mystery, Ortide, Rafflesia, Sabelette, Sablaireau, Caninos and Arcanin

But let the players rebadure themselves, as in the days of GameBoy, it will be possible to trade Pokémon , just to complete its collection, without having to go through a Link cable. Another particularity, on Nintendo Switch, a new controller will appear, the PokeBall Plus, just to catch all the Pokémon with style.

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