No, Christine and the Queens did not plagiarize but … – Musics


For several days, his song "Damn, tell me", first title of a new album to come in September, is the subject of controversy. At the heart of the debate, borrowings too supported a software composition. A common practice in electro … Much less in the song.

It goes up, it goes up, the little controversy about Christine and the Queens: since a user of Facebook showed that the singer drew largely in a bank of sounds and loops to shape his single Damn, tell me (, nearly 500 000 views in four days), articles and comments bloom on the web – and even more among the French pop musicians, who have been laughing at this pbad for a few weeks now.

So what about it? First, evacuate a false question: no, it is not a plagiarism, since the singer used elements free of rights. The musical software she uses is gorgeous. Anyone can follow the example: install the tool on your computer or your phone, and you too can compose small songs, even without the slightest idea of ​​what a half-diminished or enharmonic

DJ's do not pretend to be songwriters

Is the practice common? This is where it gets complicated. Because yes, it is common that musicians or arrangers (even those who know how to write scores, not just copy and paste files) adorn their pieces of sound made available to them. It is also common that some, especially in the electro, take an excerpt from a song (a sample) to integrate it to another; or that they mix several titles to build a new one ( mashup or bootleg ). But DJs do not pretend to be songwriters, unlike Christine – sorry, Chris. Is it finally common that an "original" song, promoted by the music industry and promised to FM radio, is almost entirely pumped on already existing elements? To that we will answer no – unless, of course, other cases have pbaded under the radar. Hence the current controversy.

Again, this is not forbidden. As to whether it's fair play … It all depends on what the singer says. In this case, Christine has never hidden that she used the computer to make his songs … but nobody had measured how much. And of course, unlike the performers who wear with pride, but also humility, the creations of others, it is difficult to imagine tomorrow on stage, introducing a piece by a: "The following title was composed by a stranger who deposited it for free in Apple's software, thanks to him! "

Not the expected tube

After, we can always gloss over the limits of creation – is to bademble is to create? We can also try similarities with other arts – plastics in particular, where recovery is common, but where it is diverted. One can even, why not, ask if Damn, tell me is a good song – at least the controversy should she raise the audience of a title that was not the expected tube … But whatever it may be, it will be emphasized above all, and once again, that what has hitherto been the success of Christine and the Queens, is her archie attitude and image worked (until change of name), his meticulous American-style choreography, and his gender-based discourse. As much, at least, as his musical compositions.

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