no effect Mondial for Macron after the victory of the Blues


A clear majority of French people say they are "optimistic" about their future after the victory of the Blues in the final of the World Cup football, which they believe will have a "positive impact on the pride of the French", according to a poll released on Tuesday. The optimism of the French (62%) is up sharply, gaining 21 points since December, according to this study Odoxa-Dentsu Consulting for Le Figaro and Franceinfo . It is the majority among supporters of all political parties, with the exception of those of the National Assembly (former National Front), pessimists to 55%.

Chirac had benefited more

Interviewees estimate that % that the victory of the Blues will have a positive impact on the pride of the French, 74% on the image of France in the world, but they are a minority to consider that it will have an impact on the popularity of Emmanuel Macron (34 %) or the respondents' own morale (31%). Confidence in the future of the French economic situation is also up 5 points, but remains a minority, at 40%.

The victorious epic of the French football team did not, however, have any effect on the popularity of Emmanuel Macron, judged "good president" by only 39% of respondents, down two points since the end of June. "The victory of 2018 will not have had the same effect for the popularity of Emmanuel Macron as the victory of 1998 for that of Jacques Chirac (+7 points to BVA and Ifop in one month)", note the polling institute.

Survey carried out on the Internet on July 16, 2018, on a sample of 1,005 French people representative of the French population aged 18 and over, according to the quota method.

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