No Man's Sky explains the influence of its multiplayer mode


The most important update of the game since its launch, the update Next of No Man's Sky will upset the habits of the players.

Available for a few days only, the huge update NEXT of No Man's Sky is the opportunity for the game to gain depth while still providing more content to its fans. In order to fully understand the ins and outs of the arrival of the multiplayer mode in the title, PlayStation Blog teams had the opportunity to meet Sean Murray for the latter to deliver his own indiscretions on this major novelty.

What kind of multiplayer is No Man's Sky?

Sean: "The multiplayer is very focused on the coop. This is mainly what we wanted to offer players. They can form a team with a small group of friends and get their own frigates, build bases, race cars, complete missions, share and exchange resources and, of course, help each other. "

There are many changes. Will we have to start again or will we be able to keep the saved data?

Sean: "You can do all this with the data already saved, even if you already have hundreds of hours of play on the clock."

… And if friends with no saved data want to join me?

Sean: "This feature is designed to let you play with new players, and you'll grow at the same pace, and each on your side. Everything will be saved for each player. It's not an independent mode; You will be able to get in and out at will.

What is the impact for the solo player?

Sean: "You can always play on your side and have fun on your own. By default, you will be able to cross other players. They will be able to join you, you will be able to cross randomly foreigners and, if you wish it, you will be able to fight them. PvP is possible, which is not so strange: pirates and sentinels already attack you, so why not other players? "

I really want to play solo, is it still possible ?

Sean: "Of course, if you do not want to be able to meet other players, you can refuse. However, multiplayer creates really cool moments! "

There are four different modes: Normal, Survival, Final Death, and Creativity. Can players all play together?

Sean: "These modes actually change the type of game. So, [en multijoueur] you will have to play in the same mode. It would be very boring to try to stay desperately alive in Survival mode while your partner is walking in Creativity mode. But this is easily manageable. You can keep up to five different backups, with different characters and game modes. "

Does multiplayer change the overall feel of the game?

Sean:" It's strange, I always defined the game as a very lonely experience because it's very appealing to me. It's science fiction: you're alone, in the middle of nowhere. But I knew that the multiplayer would change that feeling, because you will now play with friends and it will be very different.

What we thought, however, is that you will always have the same experience in multiplayer. Even if you team up with a few friends, you will always face the rest of the universe. You'll always have that desert feeling and this "border", and multiplayer will amplify that feeling when you have to travel hundreds or thousands of kilometers to reach the base of your ally on a distant planet. "

Multiplayer will affect Is there hostility from the rest of the universe?

Sean: "Yes. For example, we reworked the Sentinel AI. The biped sentinels that you can see in the trailer will replace the existing sentinels. We gave more importance to this gameplay because the previous encounters with the sentinels could seem rather random and the players fled often. With multiplayer, you'll get really cool moments with sentinel chases. Imagine yourself relaxing, and suddenly your friend unleashes chaos in your little oasis of tranquility. "

Will there ever be more new challenges to make players want to come back?

Sean: "Players play No Man's Sky for very long periods. It seems appropriate to regularly create new content to refresh the game. For the coming season, we will add new content, new missions, new awards, etc. every week. You'll be able to take part in community missions and make money in-game to buy some cool stuff, like helmets or emotes. There will be no lootboxes or micro-transactions, it's an all-inclusive game. "


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