No more coins of 1 and 2 cents?


Kris Peeters, the Minister of the Economy, is currently working on the drafting of a plan to impose rounding all cash payments on commercial purchases.

Farewell to coins 1 and 2 cents, those that everyone tries to "liquidate" somehow and that weigh in the wallet? The drafting of a bill imposing to round off all payments in cash when shopping in the trade goes in this direction, said Tuesday the spokesman of Minister of Finance. Economy, Kris Peeters (CD & V)

This one reacts to the plea of ​​Unizo, the badociation of the independent Flemish, so that the tickets are obligatorily rounded to 5 cents for the second decimal place, for to put an end to the use of 1 and 2 cent coins

This bill should be tabled in Parliament after the summer holidays: "Since there is a consensus between the Unizo, Comeos and UCM for this round, the minister will prepare a bill. "

As a reminder, since 2014, traders can already round the purchases of their customers to 5 cents but few practice it for fear of a negative reaction from them, says Unizo. A legal obligation to round up would therefore make things easier, she argues.

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