On TV tonight: a film with Maurane or the third installment of RTBF's legal broadcast (videos)


Here is our selection for this Thursday, July 5th. Do not miss it!

Still no World Cup on the horizon. Like yesterday, the Soir Mag has selected two options to satisfy the football lovers in need or to enhance the evening of those who have nothing to do with football. The choice is yours!

Crimes and Clues at 8:20 pm on La Une

Two cases in the table of contents. "The case Audrey Jouannet", first. On 16 September 2005, the lifeless body of Audrey Jouannet, 24, is found hidden under her bed, in her small apartment in Soisy-sur-Seine. Very quickly, it appears that the young woman was tortured for a long time before being strangled. "The Ciampi affair: deadly encounter on the Internet". On June 29, 2012, Marina Ciampi, 52, is found dead at her home in Marseille.

Ophélie Fontana, for the third installment of this new legal issue on the RTBF, reviews these two cases, Cluedo method to support.



                    Good Recovery!, At 8.30 pm on RTL-TVI

The leg in plaster after an accident, Pierre, in his sixties, counts the days before his release. A bit sour, he can not stand the ballet incessant in his room, between the doctor who makes fun of his case, a patient thief and a crazy physio. But he ends up humbling himself a little

A sympathetic comedy with a Gerard Lanvin touching truth. And, as a bonus, an appearance of Maurane!



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