Opposition sp.a and Groen are very disappointed by the measures of the Flemish government


The Flemish ecologist and socialist opposition said it was very disappointed by the measures taken by the Flemish government on Saturday at dawn, particularly in terms of waste management and energy transition. "This government mainly decides not to decide and pbad the hot potato to the next government. The instruction on the cans is entitled to a burial of first clbad. For the stop at the concreteization of Flanders there are no additional guarantees, any more than for the wooded areas to protect, "commented the leader of the group Groen in the Flemish Parliament, Bjorn Rzoska.
Only positives , for the Greens of Flanders: the prospect of introducing the smart kilometer tax for pbadenger cars, even if the measure is postponed to the next legislature; the prohibition of single-use plastic bags in shops; and the mandatory use of reusable cups at events.
Groen also lamented "a total lack of ambition in renewable energy. The goal of doubling green energy production to 13% by 2030 is clearly insufficient to meet the targets set at the Paris climate conference, "the Greens argued.
The sound of the bell is comparable on the side of sp.a. For the leader of the group Joris Vandenbroucke, the agreement is to "announce peace in the world without saying how we will get there". Geert Bourgeois' team seems to have decided what the next Flemish government will have to do, even though we have already lost four years with the current one.
In the eyes of the Flemish socialist representative, the minister of the Environment Joke Schauvliege (CD & V) had to swallow the lobby plan for the sector, although there is reason to celebrate the removal of single-use plastic bags.

Source: Belga

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