outdoor cinema in the municipalities of the Metropolis


From August 1st to August 31st, Montpellier Métropole makes its cinema with a dozen films projected outdoors in 31 municipalities of the territory. This 14th edition of the event, which brings together nearly 10,000 people each year, presents a program on the theme Green Planet.

So many stories, trajectories and discoveries highlighting the ecological urgency and initiatives citizens around the world to remedy it. And for the first time, short films made by ArtFx students will be screened before each session.

The Wolf Valley by Jean-Michel Bertrand
Documentary. France, 2017, 1h30.
There are still today secret territories in France. This film is a personal quest, the story of a crazy bet made by a dream enthusiast, an anti-hero who can break down all the barriers to achieve his goal: to meet wild wolves in their natural environment. After three years spent on the field bivouacking in the wilderness in any weather, the director manages to go up the track of the wolves.

1 August> Lavérune (Castle Park)
9 August> Clapiers (Park Claude Leenhardt)
19 August> Castries (Castle Park)

Your Name by Makoto Shinkai
Animation, fantastic. Japan, 2016, 1h50.
Mitsuha, a teenage girl stuck in a traditional family, dreams of leaving her native mountains to experience the hectic life of Tokyo. She is far from imagining to be able to live the urban adventure in the skin of … Taki, a young high school student living in Tokyo, busy between his little job in an Italian restaurant and his many friends.

August 2> Montaud (Stade de football)
August 6> Restinclières (party space)
August 13> Cournonterral (municipal stadium)
August 31> Juvignac (St Michel Square)

] Captain Fantastic by Matt Ross
Dramatic comedy. United States, 2000, 1h58.
With Viggo Mortensen, Frank Langella, George Mackay, Samantha Isler, Annalize Bbado
In the remote forests of the northwestern United States, living isolated from society, a father devoted devoted his entire life to making his six young children extraordinary adults. But when destiny strikes his family, they must abandon that paradise he had created for them. The discovery of the outside world will force him to question his methods of education.

August 18> Montpellier (Place Dionysos)
August 23> Pignan (Castle Park)
August 26> Baillargues (The Arena )

Princess Mononoke by Hayao Miyazaki
Drama, animation, fantasy. Japan, 2000, 2:15.
Voice: Cédric Dumond, Virginie Méry, Micky Sébastien, Catherine Sola …
In the 15th century, during the Muromachi era, the Japanese forest, formerly protected by giant animals, became depopulated of the man. Ashitaka, the prince of the tribe of the Emishis, is struck by a curse that plagues his arm after killing Nago, a boar god turned demon. He is forced to leave the village to find the reason for his curse.

August 10> St Georges-d'Orques (Courty Park)
August 22> Sussargues (Carrière Font d'Armand)
August 25 > Prades-le-Lez (Market Square)
August 30> Fabrègues (Plan of celebrations)

Amazonia by Thierry Ragobert
] Adventure, family. Brazil / France, 2013, 1h26.
Voice: Isabelle Drummond.
Following a plane crash, a young Capuchin monkey born in captivity finds himself brutally alone and helpless in the heart of
Amazon forest. He will have to learn to protect himself from the implacable ferocity of an all-powerful nature. Without landmarks and confronted with the thousand and one perils of the green immensity, he will have to adapt to this unknown universe and finally discover his only chance of survival: a place among his own …

August 7> Saussan (Court of the school)
August 8> Beaulieu (Espace Talès)
August 27> Grabels (Place Jean Ponsy)

Into the wild ] by Sean Penn
Adventure, drama. United States, 2008, 2:27.
With Emile Hirsch, Marcia Harden Gay, William Hurt, Jena Malone, Brian Dierker.
The young idealist Christopher McCandless gives up the life that most of us know for the country wild Alaska. Before this ultimate destination, wheat fields from Dakota to the tumultuous waters of Colorado, through the California hippy communities, he will meet colorful characters.

August 11> St-Brès (parking lot of the town hall)
August 15> Montferrier-sur-Lez (Place des Aiguelieres)
August 16> Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone (forecourt of the Town Hall)

] The Yellow Dog of Mongolia By Byambasuren Davaa
Drama. Germany / Mongolia, 2006, 1h33.
With Batchuluun Urjindorj, Buyandulam Daramdadi, Nansal Batchuluun, Nansalmaa Batchuluun, Babbayar Batchuluun.
Nansal, a six-year-old girl, is the eldest of a family of nomads from the North of Mongolia. One day, she brings an abandoned dog home, but her father thinks he's going to bring them bad luck and wants her to get rid of it … Nansal tries to hide it, but the day the family moves, she has to give up dog …

August 12> Vendargues (Place d'Espartinas)
August 17> Pérols (The Arena)
August 24> Murviel-lès-Montpellier (Esplanade)

[19659002] The ascent of Ludovic Bernard
Comedy. France, 2017, 1h 43.
With Ahmed Sylla, Alice Belaid, Kevin Razy, Nicolas Wanczycki, Waly Dia.
" For you, I could climb Everest! " Samy would have done better to be silent that day … Especially as Nadia does not believe very much in fine words. For her sake, Samy leaves her HLM and goes up the mythical 8,848 meters that make Everest the Roof of the World. A departure that thrills his friends, then all the 9-3 and it is soon the whole of France who follows with emotion the exploits of this young guy ordinary but in love.

4 August> Le Crès (The Arena)
August 5> Cournonsec (Esplanade Briou Garenne)

The Red Tortoise by Michael Dudok of Wit
Animation. Belgium / France / Japan, 2016, 1h21.
Voice: Tom Hudson, Barbara Beretta
Through the story of a shipwrecked man on a tropical desert island populated by turtles, crabs and birds, Red turtle tells the great stages of a human being's life. At the same time poetic and initiatory tale, it is a thrilling story, accessible at any age, carried by magnificent images and music. A little gem of animation!

August 3> St Géniès-des-Mourgues (The Arena)
August 21> Castelnau-le-Lez (Montplaisir Park)
August 29> Saint-Jean-de-Saint-Jean Vedas (Terral Park)

The Odyssey of Pi by Ang Lee
Adventure, drama. United States, 2012, 2h05.
With Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Adil Hussain, Tabu, Rafe Spall.
After a childhood spent in Pondicherry, India, Pi Patel, 17, embarks with his family for the Canada where a new life awaits him. But his fate is turned upside down by the spectacular sinking of the freighter on the high seas. He is the only survivor aboard a lifeboat. Alone, or almost … A splendid and ferocious Bengal tiger is also on the trip.

August 10> Montpellier (Jean Vivès Pool / Reservation required on the spot from July 30 )
August 14 > Lattes (Vasque de port Ariane)
August 20> Saint-Drézéry (Municipal Park)
August 28> Jacou (Bocaud Park)

>> Practice
Schedule: 9:30 pm. Free access within the limits of the available places
Information: at each commune or on domainedo.fr
Movies in VF: any public, however certain scenes of Princess Mononoké, Into the wild and The Odyssey of Pi can to hurt the sensibility of the youngest.

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