Outings – Leisure | With Ivo van Hove, black is black!


Like a Dutch vanity, austere painting whose darkness goes hand in hand with the light of the North and the work of time, Things That Pbad ( From Dingen die Voorbigaan) a cast his chiaroscuro on the Avignon Festival on Saturday night. Of course, the director Ivo van Hove is neither the Vermeer nor the Rembrandt of the theater who would fashion in his studio his dramaturgy of the look with the same desire to reverse the perspective. But he knows how to weave together the visible and the invisible and throw at our feet what is needed of mystery to question his contemporaries.

While the public takes place in the courtyard of the Lycée Saint-Joseph in Avignon (where he had presented The Fountainhead in 2014 with the same actors Aus Greidanus Jr. and Robert de Hoog), the crowd faces its reflection in a large mirror in the background and empty chairs transform the plateau in the waiting room. It is in this corridor that the Flemish adapts the Dutch writer Louis Couperus (1863-1923). The dark comedy of the naturalist poet is given in a black coat and the haunting, disturbing sound of a clock. The family photo of yesteryear comes alive before our eyes while the unspoken will soon explode like psychological bombs over three traumatized generations. The fifteen or so actors on the set carry this drama to The Hague, but it could be elsewhere, wherever men are prevented by secrets, where lives are immobilized by the weight of the past. There are the old, withered by their existence of love and hatred that as in the song of Brel speak only with the tip of their eyes, do not move any more for fear of the ghost, the punishment and the death that haunts them. Then the children shattered by the lies that gnaw at them like a silent cancer, and finally the grandchildren whose melancholy is a crazy mess: " In our family, we do not live … We lived " One of them says:

A black, poisonous intrigue to which Ivo van Hove, who had rocked the City of the Popes with The Damned adapted from Visconti with the troupe of the French in 2016, still lends his stage intelligence, always elegant – with the touch of his accomplice Jan Versweyveld. His tragedy unfolds in paintings with the cold aesthetic of a very black Magritte: umbrellas in the snow (except the whims of an abuse of badped cream whose brightness of white slice damn). Two hours of theater that mark their choreographic side when, for example, words and not illustrate the crazy race of time (also punctuated by the presence of the musician Harry de Wit). One reads there the challenge of a life pegged with this anguish which turns it into a field of ruins: " Tomorrow, I put myself to work " launches one of its protagonists disappearing in the mist . A call in our day that Ivo van Hove, who heads the Toneelgroep in Amsterdam, promises to continue on Broadway by tackling one of the twentieth century myths: West Side Story . [19659002] "From Dingen die Voorbijgaan" (Things pbading), until July 21 in the courtyard of Saint Joseph high school. festival-avignon.com, 04 90 14 14 14

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