Ozil's international retirement satisfies Hoeness: "It's been years since he played like shit"



Many reactions followed the announcement of Mesut Özil to retire at just 29 years of age. Of these, the release of Uli Hoeness draws attention. He fired red balls at the now-ex-player of the Mannschaft .

" He's been playing like shit for years" steals Uli Hoeness from Sport1 . " For the new start [de l’équipe nationale] it's great that he stops now and in addition, he hides behind this photo story with Turkish President Erdogan" [pour justifier sa décision]. "His 35 million followers – who do not exist in the real world – take care of him to sublimate him when he succeeds in a cross."

And the president of Bayern Munich to continue, based on tactical considerations.

" As soon as we played Arsenal in the Champions League, we played on him because we knew he was vulnerable, the weak point of the team," added the 1974 world champion. " He was already a pure follower at the 2014 World Cup, the others pulled him to the finals, the new football is to win duels and pbad the opponent. he pbaded an opponent for the last time? Nobody questioned him athletically. He played like a m *** for years and now it's Grindel or Bierhoff's fault. I'm very glad the ghost stops "

Little adept of the language of wood, Uli Hoeness does not go away from it and the international retreat of the median continues to make her speak about it across the Rhine.

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