perpetuity for the neo-Nazi criminal Beate Zschäpe


The NSU group, responsible for a series of murders and racist attacks between 2000 and 2007, long escaped the authorities.

 Beate Zschäpe (right) and his attorney on July 11 in Munich. [19659003] This was one of the longest trials in Germany since the Second World War. After 437 days of hearing, Beate Zschäpe was sentenced to life imprisonment on Wednesday 11 July by the Higher Regional Court (<em> Oberlandesgericht </em>) in Munich. Aged 43, this former member of the neo-Nazi organization Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund (NSU, National Socialist Clandestinity) was found guilty of having participated in ten murders (nine men of Turkish and Greek origin and a German policewoman ), two bombings and about fifteen robberies of banks, between 2000 and 2007. Four co-defendants tried for having provided logistical badistance were also sentenced to terms ranging from two and a half to ten years in prison. [19659004] In Germany, news websites, radio and TV stations devoted special editions to cover the verdict, a sign of the exceptional media interest in this trial since it opened on May 6, 2013. A trial outside standard, because of both its duration (more than five years), the size of the case (300,000 pages), the number of civil parties (80), witnesses (750) and experts (42), but also There have been countless procedural incidents that have endeared him from time to time, sometimes giving the impression that the "trial of the trial" took precedence over the trial itself. </p>
<p> At the end of this exhausting judicial soap opera, which in particular, two dramas, a television series, an exhibition and a feature film (<em> In the Fade </em> by filmmaker Fatih Akin, which earned actress Diane Kruger at the Cannes Film Festival in 2017), several major questions remain unanswered. And first, what was the exact role of Beate Zschäpe? It was only in September 2016, three years and four months after the start of the trial, that the principal defendant came out of her silence, … </p>
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