Petition against a Netflix series accused of shaming the obese


 Petition against a series of Netflix accused of shaming the obese "title =" Petition against a series of Netflix accused of shaming the obese "/>

<p> Actress Alyssa Milano in Hollywood, California, February 23, 2011Gabriel BOUYS </p>
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"Insatiable", a new series of Netflix, is accused of making fun of overweight people and a petition demanding its withdrawal had already harvested More than 120,000 signatures Tuesday.

The series that will be available on the streaming site from August 10, with Alyssa Milano and Debby Ryan, features an obese teenage girl laughed at by her high school clbadmates. Becoming filiform, she dreams of one thing: revenge.

The petition says that the series encourages young women to "gauge their value from their bodies" and "perpetuate not only the toxicity of the culture diets but also the objectification of the female body. "

" We still have time to cancel this series that plays on the insecurities of girls who think that to be happy and worth something, you have to lose weight "

Leading actress Debby Ryan defended the series on her Instagram account.

"As a person for whom the way bodies, especially women's, are mocked or policed, I was excited about working on + Insatiable + because it's a series that faces these questions through satire, "reacted Debby Ryan, who recalls" 12 years of struggle with the image of her body, who took me to terrible areas where I never want to go. "

the attraction of the series according to her is "to point out those who harbad and say + we can not do that," she adds.

Her character "undergoes a physical transformation, but that does not make her We do not do this to shame overweight, we want to take a sharp look at unsafe and inadequate systems that put weight and value on an equal footing, "she says, calling to watch the series before

Spokespersons of Netflix have not responded immediately to the dema AFP commentaries.

The streaming giant has been the subject of controversy in recent months for another of its series, "13 Reasons Why", accused of encouraging suicides in adolescents.

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