PHOTOS – Prince Harry, Metamorphosed: A Personal Stylist Named Meghan Markle


A prince more charming than ever! Celebrating the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela in London on July 17, the Duke of Susbad surprised with his fashionable look and perfectly matched that of his wife. History of a makeover

Suits . This is the name of the series that made her famous, but it is also the motto – "costumes", in French version – of Meghan Markle, duchess haute couture, since she took over the look of Prince Harry.

White shirts with an Italian collar, navy suits, turquoise, olive or wine tie, gray flannel or sky blue cotton jacket, slate blue or tawny suede shoes … Since the beginning of In July, Charles's youngest son multiplied the apparitions, with a chic and relaxed attitude that was unknown to him. Forget about baggy jeans, shapeless t-shirts, heavy shoes and poorly fitting costumes at 1.86 meters and his athletic build by the Royal Air Force.

Unlike his father, very nice, Harry had never really paid much attention to his presentation. Meghan has seen in him a playboy. After encouraging her last summer to bear the beard, hair daring unconventional Windsor, the former actress, also a stylist for the Canadian brand Reitmans before she meets his prince, has made the sorting in the cabinets of the latter, at the beginning of the year.

Before their wedding, last May, she redefined a palette of colors – many blues, grays and a few variations of greens, complimenting her flamboyant hair and azure eyes – and prompted her to put more worth its athletic silhouette – found at the London club KX Gym – with more fitted jackets and pants closer to the body, invariably badociated with a pristine shirt.

In the manner of her sister-in-law Kate, an accomplice and inspiring source of coordination with Prince William, the Duchess of Susbad also seems concerned that her marriage should be matched in terms of nuances. Latest example: his choice of pastel colors for the commemoration of the centenary of Nelson Mandela, London, July 17.

Ladies, do not hesitate to take some notes.

Photo Credits: Bestimage

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