Players recreate Mario Kart in Fortnite


Or rather a very basic version of Mario Kart.

With the advent of the Playground mode in the Fortnite phenomenon game, players had the opportunity to build all sorts of things without worrying about enemies. Unlike the Battle Royale mode (100 players, each for himself), the playground mode is a large sandbox to get acquainted with the game.

The opportunity was too good for users of the site Reddit, who took advantage of the construction mode and the racing trolley available for a few weeks to recreate Mario Kart circuits. Or say " to the Mario Kart ", because we are obviously far from the saga of Nintendo success in terms of gameplay.

The Redditor JoshB_C shared the result in a video taking the sounds of real Mario Kart for more "realism" and we must admit that it works rather well. Do not expect a rhythmic race, with power-ups galore, it's still characters that push a caddy on basic constructions.

Since then, videos of other circuits abound on YouTube (example ci -Dessous). A new fashion that allows Fortnite to keep talking. Even if in this case, the developers are almost for nothing.

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