Politics, international scene, media: what changed with King Philippe in five years of reign


S If the monarchy is an institution that lives in the continuity, in the long term, without sudden upheavals, changes have been initiated at the Palace since the new reign. Whether in terms of communication, rhythm, activities or official trips.


A less political king

"Philippe set the tone as soon as he took his oath
recalls Vincent Dujardin (UCL), historian specialist of the monarchy. That of a king who listens to the different communities of the country, often with different sensibilities. "And he managed to rebadure the North of the country by recognizing the regional fact.

Because the reign of Philip is also that of the implementation of the 6th reform of the State. "It was Albert who opened the way considers Herman Matthys (VUB), his Flemish counterpart. And it was under this same reign that the traditional parties retreated and the N-VA grew. That is perhaps why he observes greater caution not to offend the political world, especially now that we are approaching elections. And then, the traditional pillars of governments, rather favorable to the monarchy, have more the same power than in the past. Conversely, the pro-republican parties … "

This probably explains why he is more discreet on the national political scene, where family riots (debate on the paternity of Albert, absence of Laurent during ceremonies of July 21, 2017) who are foreign to him, have revived the debate on the endowments granted to the royal family. In 2014, after a year of reign, Philip also left more latitude to the policies to negotiate the Swedish, even if it did not have a majority in the two linguistic bodies.


The international image, a symbolic influence

Philippe is active on the international scene. But his presence, if it opens the doors, is more important than its real influence.

"It's a full-time King comments Vincent Dujardin. This manifests itself in the number of his activities, visits abroad, speeches he wishes to make, the networks he tries to build in Belgium and abroad, or the initiatives he wants wear like alternating training for example. "

The sovereign seems to have invested heavily on the international scene. "Whether in Davos within the Bilderberg group or during hearings at the Palais, he is attentive to the international political network confirms the historian of the UCL by insisting on the symbolism of the implication Philippe during the campaign for the recognition of Belgium as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. But I would highlight his role during state visits that have an economic component more developed than before. A legacy of the past princely missions, in which he took part and which has earned him today to remain very attentive to economic questions

"We must not exaggerate his diplomatic role nuance Herman Matthys. In some countries like Saudi Arabia, which is a monarchy, its presence opens doors. But not in other countries that are not, like the United States. In addition, foreign trade is regionalised. Without contesting this fact, Vincent Dujardin considers for his part that the presence of the King "may confer a sense of unity while Belgian economic diplomacy is split between federal and regions" .

Finally, in the appointment of ambbadadors, the role of the Palace depends "on the fact that one has a strong or weak minister. But currently, it's Didier Reynders " underlines Herman Matthys. Translation: it is the minister who appoints.


The soft opening to new media

No revolution in the communication of the Palace, sometimes more discreet than in the reign of Baudouin. By cons, Philippe is now present on social networks.

"There is not much communication from the Palace slice Herman Matthys. A bit for the moment, with the performance of the Red Devils at the World Cup. But she is less active than in Baudouin's time.

On the other hand, continues the badyst of the VUB, the reign of Philippe is that of the entry in the new media. "This is a difference compared to Albert, even if Philippe has little power, he is less present than other heads of state. And then, he must be cautious on this ground compared to governments that are now of different composition.

"There has been a modernization of communication, an evolution with the use of social networks, such as Twitter or Facebook, with the broadcasting of activity videos whether on the occasion of a visit by State or a visit to the Red Devils before their departure to Russia Vincent Dujardin stresses. There were also visits to Tomorrowland, more private videos like kitesurfing, which was very successful, or birthday pictures.

The historian of UCL, however, prefers to speak of evolution rather than of revolution. "This does not announce a total opening that could be very risky elsewhere"

Similarly, the Palace is careful not to expose too much the children of the royal couple. "They are more highlighted than before July 21, 2013 notes Vincent Dujardin. Before that date, they did not participate in the July 21 parade, for example. Princess Elisabeth, who became Duchess of Brabant, delivered some brief speeches, including on the occasion of the 14-18 commemorations. We also saw princes Gabriel and Emmanuel in Moscow for Belgium-Japan. "

                     "It is a tradition among heads of state to protect their children from the media confirms Herman Matthys. But we must not forget that Elizabeth will soon be 18 years old and that it will be necessary to decide whether to grant her an endowment. It should therefore emerge from the shadows over the next few months.


From one government formation to another

Difficult to measure the real influence of the King. Especially when he is discreet like Philippe. And if he did not oppose the constitution of the "Swedish" in 2014, the formation of the government in 2019 is a first real political test.

In five years, what was the influence Philippe? Did he play a role behind the scenes, with the discretion that befits the function? Vincent Dujardin thinks so

"An important moment was the formation of the Michel government ," he recalls. King Philip favored the process. Probably would have preferred that the HRC also rise in the coalition, but he played a role there. He could have got in the way of a government including the N-VA, like his father in 2010, but he did not do it, being convinced that he was not happy to see them in the future. opposition with such an election result.

Opposition to the Flemish nationalists was all the less conceivable since the reign of the new ruler was only a year old. An interventionism too marked against the vote expressed in the North of the country could have been fatal to the monarchy. It was not the case. And since then, the sovereign seems rather erased on this ground.

"It will always be difficult to measure scientifically the magistracy of influence that can exert a king in the secrecy of the singular conference nuance Vincent Dujardin. But we know that in Belgium the king reigns but does not rule. He is a king "without powers". And then he knows that the important things must be said in the discretion if he wants to get right. "

                     "Philippe is a protocolary head of state slice Herman Matthys. And this is what the Flemish parties want, unlike French speakers. It was under Albert's reign that the system changed, with the new state reform. This probably explains why it is popular now, even in Flanders. A popularity, says the expert of the VUB, which however does not reach that of his uncle.

And who explains why even the most radical Flemish parties have not targeted too much the new king since his accession to the throne. He embodies a smooth, vague monarchy, which leaves the political clbad in its torment. "The first big test for Philippe, it will be the formation of the next federal government predicts still Herman Matthys. According to the polls, it will be a difficult moment. He can already prepare for it. »

Pascal Lorent

Twenty-five years after his death, society has evolved a lot. And two other state reforms have gone through there. But some traces still remain

 Many Belgians have never known Baudouin

Many Belgians have never known Baudouin. – Reporters

L On 31 July 1993, King Baudouin died in Motril, Spain. A reign of forty-two years during which Belgium has evolved strongly, including through four reforms of the state. A quarter of a century later, what remains of the legacy of one of the most popular rulers?

"There is no legacy says Herman Matthys. Many Belgians born at the end of the last century have never known Baudouin. Moreover, the framework in which the country evolves has changed significantly, he adds. European integration was further accentuated, while the two state reforms strengthened the power of the Regions to the detriment of the federal government, while the King lost a little more of his prerogatives. Not to mention the emergence of new media

"Belgium has evolved socially and politically recognizes Vincent Dujardin. The recognition of the regional fact in the name of King Philip, for example, goes much further than his uncle has ever done, who had even expressed by mail some reservations about the latest state reforms. he had known. As for the exercise of the royal function, his successors have been further behind politically. But under very special circumstances such as 2007 or 2010, we still saw a King Albert II be brought to act "at the Baudouin". »

A less visible presence

The Catholic faith of the sovereign, which was underlined on certain occasions, is more discreet in the head of Philip, a sign of a separation between the Church and the State strengthened over time. This is particularly evident in ethical issues such as euthanasia or abortion. "The proof that nothing remains of this legacy is the current debate on abortion, which proceeded without a cry, without a hitch" continues Herman Matthys, in reference to the refusal of King Baudouin to sign the previous law on this theme, in 1990. A crisis resolved by a temporary impossibility to reign. "When Baudouin did that, he played with the future of the monarchy he continues. Today, it would not be possible anymore.

Twenty-five years later, nothing? Vincent Dujardin is more nuanced. "King Baudouin has reworked the image of the monarchy after the most controversial reign in Belgian history. His popularity was immense " he recalls. He also brought Belgium out of the neutrality desired by Leopold III: "He has forged links at the international level, as shown by the presence of forty-four heads of state or government at his funeral . His successors benefited from his ties, which sometimes opened doors, as with the Emperor of Japan.

On the other hand, the aura surrounding the personality of the fifth King of the Belgians did not prevent the political world from unraveling the royal prerogatives a little more. And to push the regional fact very far, to the point that some now even evoke the possibility of backtracking.

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