protest against convictions of Hirak leaders


The mothers are at the head of procession indignant by the verdict. On June 26, Moroccan justice sentenced 53 Hirak hard-core activists to sentences ranging from 1 to 20 years in prison. The leader of the movement, Nbader Zefzafi, and three of his companions received the maximum.

Naser Zefzafi's mother, Zulikha Si Haddou expresses anger: " This is a tragedy. When I heard the verdict, I felt sick and yet I say that this man did what no one else has done before and I'm proud of him. Our children did not commit any crime, they did not kill anyone, they stole nobody, they just defended their rights . "

Political, Economic and Social Crisis

Crowds marched past the place Bab El Had near the medina to the parliament, without any incident. In the ranks, the notable presence of the Islamist movement Justice and dignity, the most important of the country.

" These sentences are unfair and have only one goal: revenge We deplore and denounce we also ask that they be revised immediately and that the state be reconciled with the people by giving them their rights instead of oppressing them ", says Mohamed Abbadi, secretary general of the Islamist movement, Al Adl Wal Ihsan

Between 2016 and 2017, the Rif region in the north of the country was agitated by a protest movement. Originally ? The death of a fish seller who opposed the seizure of his goods. Over the months, the protest took a social and very political turn.

" We are living a political, economic and social crisis.We have always said and repeat today, the advance of country will begin with the release of the Rif and other regions' detainees "said Omar Balafrej, a member of the Democratic Left Federation (FGD).

All detainees decided to appeal the verdict. [19659009] [ad_2]
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