Qwant has a new look in its version 4 now available, with a new design and a ragged screen


Qwant, a European search engine based in France, is doing great things in its transition from version 3 to version 4. The search engine, already with a user interface colors and its implementation of respect for life privately, was not unanimous until its previous version. Qwant is based on a deep badysis of its existing to make a quantum leap in order to allow users to do even faster and more effective searches on all types of screens from PCs or Macs to smartphones and tablets. For this, user comments, aptitude tests and ergonomics researchers have contributed to the implementation of this new version.

The Qwant interface has been extensively reviewed to allow optimal reading of research results in Qwant, to facilitate exploratory research and modernize the graphic universe. The previous presentation of the screen with three columns (Web, actualit and social) which encumbered, all the same, has evolved to a notch double columns on the desktop versions. This change makes it possible to view search results in a more fluid way.

Instant Answers, news and content from social networks are now placed in the right-hand column. This reorganization allows to free more space for the users who need a ease in the exploitation of the results of the searches. On the other hand, news and content from social networks are being reopened in a new window, so that research results can still be obtained on the main screen.

Improvement in verticals is a strong element of this new version. Verticals are set apart from music, video games and Instant Answers and offer richer and more immediate interactions. They will also be devoted to sports, part currently in development. The verticals are immediately placed under the main search field. Qwant's home screen gives you access to a common dual navigation: the main search engine and Qwant Games and Music. When activating one of these menus, new contextual options are proposed in the vertical bar dedicated to the types of content requested. Development is underway to further improve the verticals for better browsing times of Internet users.

Qwant also focused on these three colors (red, green and blue) to change its graphic charter while retaining its DNA. Visual identity was revised based on its basic traditional colors to express the diversity and neutrality of research results. All media have been revived with the new visual identity from scratch to pamphlets standardizing all of Qwant's content.

A new design, which redraws all its multiple components and revitalizes the website, drives all of this change as a whole. This new coherent and rich color design allows a better visibility of the research content and gives Qwant to gain consistency.

On smartphones and tablets, these changes are noticeable. The new presentation of the results on these gadgets is in a single column in the form of a map. The hierarchization of the results in a single column fits well in the context of mobility and makes more practical the research on small notches.

Lancienne version (V3) still remains online if needed.

Displaying search results in Qwant V3

Source: Qwant

And you?

What do you think about this new version (V4) of Qwant?

See also

France-China cooperation in technology: installation of Qwant in China, investment fund for AI, and a Franco-Chinese satellite in 2018
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