Received at the Kremlin, Macron congratulates Putin on a "perfect unfolding" of the World Cup-2018


Received at the Kremlin, Macron congratulates Putin on a" perfect unfolding "of the World Cup-2018

French President Emmanuel Macron, received Sunday at the Kremlin two hours away from the World Cup final in Moscow, congratulated his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin for a "perfect unfolding" of the World Cup-2018. [19659003] "I wanted to congratulate you for the great performance of the Russian team" which went up to the quarter-finals and "played with a lot of courage," said Mr. Macron at the beginning of his meeting with M Putin,

"And congratulate you as the organizing country for the smooth running of these events, they are not only looked at the whole world but the whole world comes there", continued the French president.

"And having done so in conditions of safety and perfect progress was a challenge and congratulations for that!", He said.

For his part, Vladimir Putin congratulated France for having qualified for the final of the Mondial-2018 where she faces ra Sunday night Croatia in the Muscovite stadium of Luzhniki

"I am already certain that we will see an interesting match, intense, tense, which will please millions of spectators in the world", he badured.

"This is the cup we came to take," said Emmanuel Macron, who will attend the final with his wife Brigitte.

M. Putin, as well as several leaders of foreign countries and stars of the cinema and the sport will also be present in the stadium.

15/07/2018 16:13:16 –
Moscow (AFP) –
© 2018 AFP

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