Red Devils win and funeral offers casket "first to die after match"


This is the initiative taken by this company based in Saint-Hubert in case of success against Brazil.

The funeral director Center Ardennes has decided to surf the 2018 World Cup. And to propose a special promotion in case of victory for the Red Devils, this Friday, July 6, against Brazil. Olivier Titeux, who lives in Saint-Hubert, has published an announcement on his Facebook account, as pinned our colleagues from the RTBF:

                     In case of victory of the Red Devils tonight, the Center Ardenne funeral offers the first one who dies the funeral service only with the coffin printed with their colors within a radius of 50 km and the reception after funeral is offered by the gourmet hostel of Redu. We wish you a good match
                    He writes on the social network.

His post raises many reactions. Some praise the initiative or find it amusing, others consider it in bad taste. Alerted by this promotion, the RTBF contacted the owner of the company who confirms the seriousness of the initiative: "
                     Yes, we launched this idea on a whim with my friend who runs the gourmet hostel Redu. I went to work this morning at the cemetery, but I have already been told that our announcement has elicited a lot of positive reactions … "

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