Republicans agree to arm children in Baron Cohen's series


Actor Sacha Baron Cohen shared a preview of his new show a few hours before his scheduled launch on Saturday evening, showing Republican lawmakers advocating arming toddlers in kindergartens and training them to handling of various weapons.

Baron Cohen embodies different characters and disguises himself in this much-anticipated seven-part series, which is titled "Who Is America" ​​and which seems to focus on the American right in the era of Donald Trump.

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In the promotional trailer, the British Jewish comedian interprets an Israeli, Colonel Erran Morad, who describes himself as the "Terrorist Terminator".

Republican MPs Dana Rohrabacher of California, Joe Wilson of South Carolina and Trent Lott, former Senate Majority Leader and representative of Mississippi, are skillfully brought in to support small arms and light weapons training. their armament

"I support the kindergarten program. We in America should be wise enough to implement it too, "says Lott in the clip.

"This is something we should think about in America, put guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens, good people – be they teachers, or gifted kids, or all -small very talented in kindergartens ".

"Maybe having a lot of trained young people, who figured out how to defend themselves in their schools, could make us safer here," says Rohrbacher.

A "three-year-old can not defend an badault rifle by throwing a box of Hello Kitty pencils on it, "commented Wilson. "Our founding fathers did not indicate an age limit in the Second Amendment."

Former Illinois Republican Representative Joe Walsh also expresses support for the fictitious training program. [19659006] "The three-week intensive learning session for nurseries presents specially selected children from 12 months to four years of age with pistols, rifles, semi-automatic weapons and a basic knowledge of mortars", note-t- he. "In less than a month … a preparatory clbad student can learn how to handle a grenade."

Walsh told CNN that Baron Cohen, star of "Borat" and "Da Ali G Show", had counted on his support for Israel to trick him.

"We know that I am a great support for 'Israel and I was presented with this award given to the greatest friends of Israel,' he said in an interview on Sunday. "I later found out that this was a trick I probably used to make me stupid."

"I was made to read on a teleprompter some of innovative products invented by Israel, "he added.

"Then I was made to read this information about this four-year-old boy in Israel who, when a terrorist entered his clbadroom, managed to seize the terrorist's weapon and had put into play. I badumed it was an example of how Israel trains its children in crèches for the use of arms. Why would not we have done the same thing in America? He asked.

Unlike other characters deceived by Baron Cohen, Walsh laughed a lot about his misadventure.

"He's a funny man and what he did to me was fun. I'm probably going to be a very stupid person, but I'm fine, I'm a big boy, "he said.

A politician knew how to avoid the trap: The representative of Florida, Matt Gaetz. "Do you want me to say on television that I support children aged 3 or 4 handling firearms? That's what you ask me to do? He told Baron Cohen disguised. "Usually, members of Congress do not just hear a story about a program and then indicate whether they support it or not," he added.

Another of the comedian's latest targets, losing Senate candidate Roy Moore, threatened to sue for defamation because of an upcoming episode of the series.

"I did not know Sacha Cohen and I did not know that a television series could be programmed to embarrbad, humiliate and ridicule not only Israel but also religious conservatives like Sarah Palin, Joe Walsh and Dick Cheney," wrote Moore on Facebook

Palin explained that she participated in the series despite what she called a long interview filled with "sarcasm and disrespect very Hollywood" before finally leaving.

In a post last week on Facebook, she challenged Baron Cohen and Showtime to hand over the proceeds of the show to a charity for veterans.

Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who comes to the US Senate to represent Arizona, thought he would participate in a show focusing on the 20 most famous personalities in the United States.

The channel has kept an absolute discretion on the series. Baron Cohen has published only an enigmatic video of former Vice President Dick Cheney, asked to sign a water jug ​​that a man – probably Baron Cohen – calls his "torture kit."

The comedian Jewish should also play the former Israeli Mossad agent, Eli Cohen, in a mini-series aired on Netflix and titled "Spy" later this year.

Baron Cohen's mother was born in Israel and the actor is fluent in Hebrew, a language he used for some of his older characters.

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