Researchers say they have found the biggest dinosaur foot | Science | News | The sun


Spotted under a pile of tail bones, these foot bones stretch about one meter in length and would have belonged to a brachiosaurus, an herbivore of the sauropod group, according to the details published in PeerJ magazine. 19659002] This is "an exceptionally large foot, larger than the elements of all other known sauropod foot bones," noted AFP Anthony Maltese of the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center at Woodland Park. , Colorado (West).

"I am often asked what is the largest, longest, or other superlative about dinosaurs that ever existed, and in this case, I can now provide an answer,"

To give an idea of ​​the size of the animal that left this trace in the soil of Wyoming, its femur is nearly 2.07 meters.

not the largest dinosaur ever unearthed, it is nevertheless the Largest Foot Ever Listed According to Scientists

"There are incomplete traces and skeletons in Australia and Argentina that seem to come from much larger animals, but these gigantic skeletons have been found without their feet," explained Emanuel Tschopp of the Department of Paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History.

"This beast was clearly one of the largest ever to have been in North America," he said. [19659003ThediscoveryalsoallowedscientiststoextendthebrachiosaurpresencezonenorthwardfromUtahtoWyomingMaltesenotednotingthatthisdinosaurspecieswas"fairlyrare"

So, according to him, "being able to extend their geographical perimeter several hundred kilometers is great and could help us understand them much better."

This foot, christened "Bigfoo t "(big foot), was discovered in 1998 by a team from the University of Kansas which included Mr. Maltese, then a student.

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