Return on twenty-four unforgettable hours in the life of Devils and supporters


Red Devils

A third historic place, an individual award, a collective feat, thousands of refunded TVs, a royal reception, a snag and a triumphant return to the streets of Brussels. The last twenty-four hours of the Devils have been particularly rich. The DH invites you to relive them in detail.

Saturday, July 14:


A goal of Miller at the end of four minutes (record), another of Hazard almost on the buzzer and here are the Devils third of this Russian World Cup. The record of 1986 is beaten – although the relevance of playing a small final remains questionable – and a famous manufacturer of household appliances out the calculators to count the number of televisions to refund.


To add a flavor additional to this historic third place, Eden Hazard is awarded the man of the match trophy. " I am very proud of this victory for the boys, for the country, and I hope we will be even better in two years ", responded the Brainois.


And So what's more normal than having fun with a good hamburger?

8:00 pm:

Grand champion to the end, Radja Nainggolan congratulated his partners on a video posted on his Instagram account

8:30 pm:

The epic over, Thibaut Courtois It was also a nice statement, this time to permanently extinguish the fire after the semifinal lost to France: "I made these remarks two minutes after losing a semi-final Cup I reacted hot, I'm sorry, the last 15 minutes, they were looking for small mistakes, we would have done the same thing in their situation, my words have gone a little beyond me. said Antoine (Editor's note: Griezmann), no matter the game, if you're champion at the end, it's beautiful. "


No time to hang out, it's already time to return home . To believe this collective selfie taken by Jan Vertonghen on the plane, the group does not seem to be particularly sad to leave Russia.

Sunday, July 15:


Some flight hours later, the Devils land in Zaventem. Despite the late schedule they are already several dozen waiting for them at the exit. And this is just a foretaste of the continuation of the program


Courtesy pbadage in the premises of the Belgian Union. The opportunity to share a special moment with fans still present

12:30 pm:

Royal reception at the Laeken Palace. A few words from King Philippe to congratulate the players on behalf of the country for the reported pride of this Russian campaign.

The players themselves did not fail to capture the moment. Beginning with Romelu Lukaku, for whom this visit to the King contrasts with a difficult childhood and a long way to go.

Before exchanging a cup or a glbad of juice, the interested parties gathered on the porch for a photo of group. Only Toby Alderweireld was missing, but the Antwerpois suffered from the flu, according to a statement from the Belgian Union.


Change of vehicle, the Devils climb in an imperial bus and leave to cross the streets of the capital to the Grand Place, their terminus. In total, 40,000 applaud them all along the way.

Near the Central Station, Eden Hazard provoked the delirium of the crowd and did not fail to immortalize the moment.


 The Devils finally enter the balcony of the City Hall. Welcomed one by one, everyone went for his little celebration, discreet as eccentric, like Dries Mertens.

Roberto Martinez takes the floor and recalls how great the expectations were before this World Cup. "
  I think we can be proud of the journey accomplished. We are Belgium! ", concluded the coach, ovationné as it should be.

 Eden Hazard then takes on his costume of Monsieur Loyal and makes the crowd sing and dance, all with the freshness and spontaneity that one knows him. It's a great adventure that is coming to an end and, pending the final between France and Croatia, there is no doubt that the party will continue until late in the four corners of Belgium.

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