Hackers are definitely everywhere. Recently, we found some infiltrated in the American electrical network. With ease.
This is what the Mashable site relays. This time, no consequences.
But "they got to the point where they could have caused cuts," said Jonathan Homer, an American security official. It must be said that these hackers, from a group that has changed several times and that would be financed by the Russian government, are not at their first attempt.
In December 2015, recalls Mashable, they organized a blackout on the Ukrainian power grid. One can imagine the devastating effects that a cut could have on the United States: on the economy, or, more seriously, on hospitals and transport.
The worst in history is, perhaps, the simplicity – apparent – with which Russian hackers seem to have entered the American network. Simply thanks to the good old phishing technique by mail, or via fake sites. They have thus recovered the necessary identifiers. Not rebaduring
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