The special prosecutor, charged with determining whether there was collusion between Russia and Donald Trump's team during the 2016 US presidential election, is studying the president's tweets. It seeks to determine whether they can be an obstruction of justice.
Robert Mueller is interested in particular the presidential messages, many and often angry, broadcast on Twitter against the Minister of Justice Jeff Sessions and former FBI director James Comey, fired by Trump in May 2017, reports the New York Times on Thursday, citing three sources "informed of this case."
The Republican billionaire is wont to spill on his favorite social network on the Russian survey, which he considers "the worst witch hunt in American history". On Twitter, he has also already described James Comey as "slimy" and "out of order" and has repeatedly criticized his justice minister, Jeff Sessions, for having recused himself in this affair.
Number two of the DoJ attacked
The investigation of Mr. Mueller attempts to determine whether the removal of James Comey, who investigated the Russian interference, is the obstruction of justice. Also in the Russian file, the Republican leader in the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, said Thursday opposes the attempt by elected officials to sack the number 2 of the US Department of Justice Rod Rosenstein , who oversees the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
A small group of supporters of President Donald Trump in the House of Representatives made a request to get Rod Rosenstein out on Monday. They argued that the Justice Department had failed to present congressional documents on several investigations, including one in 2016 on the Hillary Clinton democrat.
Attempted to get Mr. Rosenstein's head is notably taken away by Jim Jordan, an Ohio official who announced on Thursday that he was starting the race to succeed Paul Ryan as president of the chamber. Mr. Ryan will not run again in November. (ats / nxp)
Created: 27.07.2018, 05:15
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$ ( "# FbFormN_sms_change_Ver") show (). $ ( "# CommentsForm_sms_send_change_veryfy") show ().
setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } else { setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } } }); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////// /
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$ ( "# FbFormN_sms_change_Ver") show (). $ ( "# CommentsForm_sms_send_change_veryfy") show ().
setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } else { setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } } }); }
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$ ( '# Comment_login_form') show ().
setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } else { setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } } }); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// / function commentsForm_sms_verify () { var fbFormN_firstName = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_firstName"). val ()); var fbFormN_surname = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_surname"). val ()); var fbFormN_telephone = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_telephone"). val ()); var fbFormN_email = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_email"). val ()); var fbForm_customerId = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_customerId"). val ()); var fbForm_storyId = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_storyId"). val ()); var fbFormN_smsVer = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_smsVer"). val ());
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setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } } }); } }
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}); console.log ("quiva login done"); } // Swissish END quiva
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$ Hide () ( "commentFBlogin..");
$ Hide () ( "commentOhnelogin..");
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var name = data.user.first_name + '' + data.user.last_name;
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html + = ' Submit Comment ';
html + = 'Disconnect
html + = 'Manage profile';
html + = '';
html + = '';
$ ( "# CommentLoggedInEmail") html (html).
set_logged_in_cookie (data);
$ ( "# CommentLoggedInEmail") show ().
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/////////////////////////////////////////////////// function log(msg){ if (typeof console === 'undefined') { return false; } else { return true; } }
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//// some more jquery stuff $ (Document) .ready (function () { read_logged_in_cookie();
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