Russians invest 26 million in Liege Airport


AirBridgeCargo, the biggest Russian freight company will invest on the Liege tarmac and create 400 jobs. The attractiveness 24/7 of the Liège airport pays.

M a day after announcing the purchase of 34 new Boeing aircraft (29 B777 and 5 B747), the Russian company specialized in the transport of goods confirmed an investment of 26 million euros Liège airport. The one that should allow the installation of the European hub of Chinese Alibaba and the creation of several hundred jobs.

An international company

The company AirBridgeCargo (acronym: "ABC") is one of the largest Russian cargo companies, it provides freight transport of the Volga-Dnepr Group, with a specialty in the complex aviation logistics of the industrial sectors (oil, energy, aerospace…). Leader in the Russian market, it is also established on the European continent, in Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Paris, as well as in Atlanta, Chicago or Seattle in the United States, Shanghai, Beijin or Seoul on the Asian side.

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