Ryanair: Belgium is awarded the largest strike force


Eric Renette

The company warned of the 50,000 pbadengers whose plane it canceled during the July 25 and 26 strikes. One out of three flights canceled in Charleroi and Brussels. But the company still does not know who will work or not

E n principle, the 50,000 pbadengers, from or to Belgium, Spain and Portugal, of which Ryanair has just canceled the flight following the two Strike days of cabin crew announced for 25 and 26 July were warned. Anyone who has not received anything should consider that their flight will be provided by the Irish low cost airline. The latter explains that it had to cancel up to 50 flights to and from Belgium, or 31% on more than 160 flights per day. Which ? This is the question that asked Jean-Jacques Cloquet, the boss of Charleroi airport, who will be the most affected by the two days of strikes in Belgium. This Thursday night he had received no answer. Fifty flights, at an average of 180 pbadengers per plane, would make 9,000 pbadengers a day in Belgium, 18,000 in total, to be divided between Charleroi and Brussels.

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