Season 3 of Stranger Things will be released in the summer of 2019


We knew we would not have the new Stranger Things episodes in time for this Halloween, but it's now postponed to next summer!

It was known that the third season of the adventures of Eleven and his band were pushed back to 2019. We were hoping for the start of the year, but it will not be until the summer. Cindy Holland, Vice President of Netflix's original content, confirmed it at the Television Critics Association held in Beverly Hills.

The manager however wanted to rebadure the fans: "That's a craft series. Brothers Duffer and Shawn Levy understand that the stakes are very high. They want to offer something better than last year. I think it will be a fantastic season. It will be worth the wait. "

So far, the only glimpse of this much-anticipated third season was a fake advertising, still in the eighties mood, for the Starcourt Mall in Hawkins (the city where the action takes place of the series): " Starcourt Mall will open next summer ", can we hear it. Just like the future season that we can not wait to discover

The first two seasons of Stranger Things had both started in time for Halloween and met a phenomenal success. If the US streaming platform does not reveal any measured figures of its audiences, the audience measurement firm Nielsen talked about 15.8 million Americans in front of their screens for the first episode of the second season, and this, three days only after it goes online.


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