Sébastien Dewa fined by Genk after a training incident


Sébastien Dewaest, implicated in an incident with Dieumerci Ndongala on Wednesday during a KRC Genk training session, was fined by the management of the Limburg Football Club. The formation of Jupiler Pro League announced it by way of announcement Thursday morning.

" An incident broke out between Dewaest and Ndongala Wednesday during a friendly meeting ", could it read in the communicated. " The emotions invaded the players, all eager to show themselves before the start of the season ". The management decided to fine Dewaest, which it deems as " the trigger " of this altercation.

In the aftermath of this hitch, the club badures that " the incident is closed "and the team is focused on their next preparation matches against Mouscron on Saturday and Spouwen Mopertingen on Sunday.

Philippe Clement's team will start their league with a trip to Lokeren on 29 July

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