Several cases of robberies spotted in the Grâce-Hollogne zone



Several rogue robberies have been committed by young people in recent days in the territory of Grâce-Hollogne in the province of Liège, local police said Wednesday morning.

The gang, which has not yet could be identified, always proceed with the same modus operandi. According to the police, the suspects are nonchalantly approaching their future victim. They enter a business in which she is to locate the code of her bank card when she uses it to pay. Then they follow her to her home, where they simulate discomfort or ask for a glbad of water. The goal is to enter the dwelling of the victim. Once inside, they seize the bank card, without committing an act of violence, before fleeing and going to a cash machine to withdraw money.

If for hour, it is impossible to accurately determine the amount stolen by the perpetrators, the police of the area of ​​Grace-Hollogne believe that the sums stolen are important. Suspects are wanted by the police

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