She lives with the arms of her parasitic twin sister in the belly and must even cut her nails


Veronica Cominguez expects to undergo a surgery that may allow her to separate from her parasitic twin . The 14-year-old girl lives with the two arms of an undeveloped twin in the middle of the chest . Look at the pictures of the Filipina girl who is hoping to fly to Thailand, where she could finally get surgery.

A parasitic twin sister left him with two arms

Veronica was born with two small arms attached to her bad and another protuberance of an unidentified organ on her belly. At the end of the two small arms are also malformed fingers which she has to deal with. If her twin did not grow and she does not have a brain, she still left her living limbs tied to her belly. Moreover, it takes care of it as another hand, since it cuts the nails of these parasitic fingers .

She cuts the nails of parasitic fingers

"When I was little, we thought it was just a foot. But growing up, it became more important " tells Veronica. The organs have become heavy for her and they limit her movements. In addition, she has oozing wounds in some places. "It hangs and it rocks" she adds. "The liquid coming out of the opening smells very bad, like human excrement" . During her pregnancy, Veronica's mother did not have the opportunity to be really followed by a doctor, for lack of means. Yet she knew she was waiting for twins . Many cases of twinning exist in the family. The parents were therefore completely surprised when they discovered that there was only one child in the womb.

She will finally be able to have surgery

The villagers and the local government have contributed to help Veronica. The Kabacsanan City Council will subsidize part of the operation . Her trip is already scheduled to reach Thailand where she will be operating soon. Normally, this type of procedure is not too complicated since the other twin is not alive. "You just have to get rid of tissues and bones" commented Dr. Beda Espineda who followed his case in the Philippines

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