sniffing ammonia helped the Russians during the competition?


According to the German press, the Russian players, eliminated in the quarter-finals of the World Cup taking place at home, snorted ammonia before playing.

Of course, Russia are eliminated from "their" World Cup after bowing in the quarterfinals against Croatia on penalties (2-2, 4 t.a.b. to 3). But the "Sbornaya" made a strong impression during the competition with a remarkable physical expense: before the match against the Croatians, they were at the top of the ranking of the meters traveled per minute and per player, on average.

Developing his breathing abilities . A performance that the Süddeutsche Zeitung and Bild two German newspapers, explained in part by a "little more" used by the players before entering the field, namely to sniff a cotton impregnated with ammonia to develop breathing capacity during the effort. On the images of the selection leaving the locker room to enter the field, before the start of the game against Croatia, we see indeed the Russians sniff loudly and hold their noses.

Gebracht hat's am ende ja nix. #CRORUS

– BILD Sport (@BILD_Sport) July 8, 2018

A legal practice. This practice was confirmed by a spokesman for the Russian Football Federation on Friday: "We are talking about the clbadic liquid ammonia used in the global sport for many years and by many countries." Is it legal? A priori, sniffing ammonia is not considered to be a doping case by Fifa, which has not reacted to information from German newspapers.

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