Soon the end of the coins of 1 and 2 cents? – 22/07/2018



 These little red pieces could no longer be produced. / AFP photo archives

These small red pieces may no longer be produced. / AFP photo archives

It may well be that the last hour has come for coins of 1 and 2 centimes. This is the sentence of a report published Friday by the public action committee 2022, made up of about forty experts. The document advocates to remove these small pieces well hidden at the bottom of our wallets throughout the euro area. Our neighbors will therefore also be deprived of these red coins. Some are already like Ireland, Finland and Belgium.

Cash and checks soon banned

The measure is a first step towards "zero cash" which aims to better fight against fraud by going towards dematerialized payments: by credit card, telephone, by transfer … Exit also, within two years, cash, checks and stamps. They could be banned for tax and social payments. According to Les Echos, the savings achieved by this measure could amount to 30 billion euros. 92% of French people say they prefer the credit card for daily purchases. Species account for less than 5% of the total amount of transactions noted in the committee report.

The government has not given the green light to ban these small coins. On Twitter anyway, the netizens already see red.

For or against the suppression of coins 1 and 2 cents in France? My answer: AGAINST. What do you think?

– Marie line (@ optimiste59) 20 July 2018

Surely not a source of economy for the users because the prices will round off with the 5 cents higher …
Towards the end of the coins of 1 and 2 cents?

Sending via @updayFR

– Frey Jean-Charles (@freyjc) July 22, 2018

Once again, it is still the poor who will suffer …

– Joe DABIT ️ (@dabitjoe) July 22, 2018

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