South Africa: rhinoceros poachers are devoured by lions – 06/07/2018



 A pack of lions has devoured poachers, gone to the rhinoceros hunt / AFP illustration - - - NATIONAL PARKS / AFP / AFP / Archives

A pack of lions has devoured poachers who have gone hunting for rhinoceros AFP

Several poachers broke into a South African nature reserve to hunt rhinos. They came across a pack of lions on their way and were devoured.

We can talk about animal solidarity. While at least three poachers entered a private reserve in Sibuya, South Africa, they were chased by a pack of six lions. As they entered the reserve overnight, they were found dead the next morning. The owner, Nick Fox, told Herald Live they were armed with a rifle and an ax, probably to poach rhinos.

Three men against six lions

"They were found in the middle of a group of lions, a large group apparently so they did not have much time to react, "he said. "We do not know exactly how much they were (poachers, ed), there is not much left". Apparel for three people, however, was found around the corpses.

The six wildcat beasts were slept by the owner to give the police time to recover the remains of the poachers. However, Nick Fox did not seem saddened by the fate of these men. "It's a great relief that they have not managed to reach the rhinos. There was a poaching ring around here, at the same time, two years ago. "

Rhinoceros, Five Endangered Species

Rhino poaching is a disaster for all five species still alive on Earth. Between 2007 and 2015, in South Africa, the number of animals killed increased by a factor of 90 from 13 to 1175, resulting in the complete disappearance of a species. The remaining five species are all threatened and three of them are critically endangered. Rhinoceroses are hunted mainly for their horns which, according to the Chinese and Vietnamese traditions, have miraculous medicinal virtues.

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