Stéphane Rosenblatt leaves RTL Belgium: "Conditions of trust and loyalty are no longer met"



RTL Belgium's board of directors and management took note of the end of the collaboration with Stéphane Rosenblatt, who had previously served as television director in the group, on Wednesday, Belga learned from good sources.

"In an interview held today with Stéphane Rosenblatt, RTL Belgium expressed its view that, in the light of the situation, the conditions of trust and loyalty that should govern their cooperation are no longer met, "explains CEO Philippe Delusinne in an internal communication that Belga was able to take note of.

" Indeed, by the various legal actions initiated by Stéphane Rosenblatt against the company (action for interim relief of which he was dismissed, appeal against this decision as well as the ongoing merits action in which he seeks the termination of his employment contract), and his general stance since May, Stéphane Rosen blatt has broken the relationship of trust necessary for the durability and effectiveness of the collaboration and has expressed its willingness to end the collaboration, "he said, adding that the work of television teams will be coordinated ad interim by him even by relying on the structures in place.

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